Can someone with Colitis qualify for Lap Band surgery?

I have been diagnosed with Colitis and I am wondering if I can still qualify for the Lap Band surgery or not. Does anyone know? Thank you!    — PamG (posted on January 21, 2007)

January 21, 2007
I have microscopic colitis also called MC. It is only viewed under a microscope and it affects the collogenis or lymposetic cells in the wall of the colon. It is a little different then UC where as that is seen when doing a scope of the colon via the naked eye. I still had about as many symptoms as a person that has UC. I went on and had RNY almost 4 years ago. Since there isn't any rearranging of the intestinal track I do not see any problem with you having the band. Of course your doctor will be the final say in the matter. Chris
   — ChristineB

January 22, 2007
My guess is that colitis, if well controlled, would not keep you from getting a lapband. This question would be best put to your doctor tho.
   — mrsidknee

January 23, 2007
I have colitis, and it was not an issue w/ being approved. In fact, I have had fewer attacks since my surgery 5 months ago!
   — byHizgrc

January 23, 2007
Hi how areyou, I wish you are in a good health. I'm a cosmetic surgery advisor. If you need any help or information concerning any kind of cosmetic (plastic) surgeries, please feel gfree to contact me on my e-mail: [email protected]
   — SweetMouna

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