I heard that is hurts when you have your jp bag taken out is this true.

   — snowbunny27 (posted on March 8, 2006)

March 7, 2006
I know alot of medical terms.... but "jp" I never heard of. What is it? There must be others here too who would like to know. ;)
   — Danmark

March 8, 2006
If you are referring to the JP (Jackson-Pratt) drain tube, mine didn't hurt at all. It was put in of Friday & removed on Sunday before I left the hospital. The med students removed mine. All they said was to take a deep breath and they pulled it out. It was NOT painful, but you feel a weird sensation as the tube travels. It was quite a bit longer than I had expected. They gave me a steri-strip over the little hole, I showered and headed for home! It was a piece of cake. No worries. Angela - 252/135
   — Angela T.

March 8, 2006
It's like getting a shot - you dread it, but when it happens, it's so fast you don't have time to really feel it. After my abdominoplasty, I had two of them in my pubic area and I was glad to get them out! The minor discomfort with removal was nothing compared to having to pin them up and make sure they didn't get pulled accidently.
   — koogy

March 8, 2006
Andrea, I had my JP Drain taken out 8 days after surgery. It had gotten a little crusty around the site and I was afraid it would hurt. The nurse that removed it took some sterile water to loosen it some and she wiggled it a little. I watched as she pulled it out and I did'nt feel a thing. Hope this clears up your fears. Normie :)
   — Normie

March 8, 2006
I've had two and neither hurt. The doc actually let me remove the second one...I found it kinda cool, but I'm odd that way.
   — RebeccaP

March 8, 2006
Hi i had mine taken out 8 days ater surgery i dreaded it so much.My dr. took mine out he told me take a deep breath and he pulled it out it hurt for just a second and when he was done i started laughing.I thought i had been dreading this for 8 days and it was that simple. My dr. has a great sense of humor so he started laughing with me.i had surg.2/20/06 and i am doing great!!! angela33
   — angela33

March 8, 2006
I still have mine and have heard the same thing and have been dreading the removal time but I feel a lot better about it now. Thanks Joy Feb 22 down 23lbs
   — JoyFines

March 8, 2006
as you can see everybody is different. Mine was in a bit longer because of my complications so it went in on tues (day of surg) and came out on sunday and I think the skin started to heal around it because it was the most painful thing about my whole hospital stay... IT KILLED felt like they were ripping my guts out. Hopefully it won't be the same for you. Goiod luck!
   — SteffieBear15

March 9, 2006
Andrea, I think having the drain taken out felt like it would feel if they pulled a snake out very slithery feeling but not painful at all.Good Luck Pam
   — sunnie

March 9, 2006
Mine hurt just a little and it was over fast and such a relief it was gone. I drove my wife for her drain pull. Surgeon had 8 drain pulls that day, we were all together in the waiting room. 2 had their roxicet pain med. So they shared and no one felt anything, one gal Jill got really drunk. I made CERTAIN everyone had a ride home! Compared to surgery the drain pull is nothing!
   — bob-haller

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