after wls 3 years ago i have gained some weight back and was wondering what others do
to go back and start again with the weight loss process. problem is that i am now a vegetarian and am a little confused about what to start doing but want to get it under control now. can anyone tell me what worked for them — LAURA G. (posted on November 2, 2004)
November 2, 2004
I am 3 years post op on 11/16...I have had absolutely NO regain. I
attribute that to the fact that if I do start to see the numbers go
more than 5 lbs EVER, I yank my chain HARD!!!!! I go back to basics. I go
onto a liquid only diet for 6 days...I then go back to lean/hi protein
foods for the next month or so. The first thing shrinks the pouch down
some...not a lot, as it is natural to have some stretching of the
pouch...the second is to detox the body off of any carbs/sugar/crap that
has snuck its way back into the diet. I am then able to go on from there
without any problem. That usually jump starts the weight loss again...and
keeps me in check. As I said, no regain other than an occasional 5 lbs
here and there. The thing is to go back to basics. I don't know what
protein yo are eating as a vegetarian, but I would suggest eggs and
cheese if they are a part of your diet. I understand that tofu is good as
well. Good Luck
— Mustang
November 2, 2004
— Tammy Mitchell
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