Help! I need some words of encouragement!

Hi All. I am 3 wk post-op and not doing so well. the surgery went fine, and I am recovering well but I'm always tired, food doesn't go down right, food doesn't taste right, I'm always thirsty but WATER hurts going down, sad because I can't drink milk (and I loved milk). All in all, I'm kind of depressed. I guess I'm in the stage of "what have I done..." Don't get me wrong, I did PLENTY of research but I guess I thought it was going to be easier than this. I'm tired of not feeling 'well'. When will this end? I just want to be able to do stuff.... Thanks, Michelle 280/253    — MICHELLE F. (posted on April 13, 2004)

April 13, 2004
michelle , i know how u feel . i am 2 weeks and 1 day post- op . when i first got home and during the first week . nothing agreed with my stomach . and i had to find other things that would stay down . finally during the second week everything finally starting to agree with me . i had real trouble with applesauce and my meds . cause it just didn't taste right . i had too use yogurt . but i promise things will look up. i went through the why am i even thinking this stage before surgery . and i made myself real sick . so i decided that everything will be fine and u will make it through it . i weight 326 before and now i weigh 295
   — lizzie72

April 13, 2004
Well, it all sounds about right to me what you are going thru. Try drinking room temp water. I found that cold water hurt big time and still have that prob. As far as food tasting yucky you may be in ketosis and with that water and food will taste aweful, at least it does for me. Make sure you eating very slowly and chewing well if you are on solids. You will be tired for up to 8 weeks.
   — ChristineB

April 13, 2004
Please consult your surgeon if food isn't going down right. I struggled for 4 months before finally having something done about my food issues (stricture)..water shouldn't hurt to go down... sometimes you need more then encouragement.. talk to your doc girl *hugs* tell him your not feeling well. Good luck and post how your doing please *hugs*
   — WLS_Deb

April 13, 2004
I remember everything hurting in those early post op days. The stomach is healing and can be quite sensitive. I found that water didn't hurt for me when it was extremely cold, almost icy. Just keep experimenting and taking tiny, tiny sips. That was the hardest part for me because I was so accustomed to drinking and you definitely can't do that until you're further out. I was pretty tired until about six weeks out then suddenly started having these incredible bursts of energy. The previous poster was dead on about makes everything taste pretty crappy but that's a good thing. Means you're burning fat. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time but just hang in there, you'll be amazed how good you feel in a few weeks.
   —  SCbabe B.

April 13, 2004
I hope everything gets better soon. Have you tried SF Kool-Aid or Crystal Light? It helps me get my water in.
   — Dixie Chick

April 13, 2004
Things will get better You taste buds will come back but it will take a while. I know you get a little depressed right now but get it a couple of months and you will feel better and it will be the best thing you have ever done.
   — Rosemary L.

April 13, 2004
Don't worry this is normal, you just had major surgery, and believe me just as fast you said what have I done to myself, soon you will be saying I'd do it a gain in a heartbeat. Hang in there it does get better, I had a slow healing also and thought the pain and down feelings would never end. but one day I was surprised and said hey, I feel better. and it's been great ever since, My pre wt was 400 lbs and I have loss -200 lbs in 16 months. so it does get better, enjoy your journey hon and take care**Hugs**
   — B4real

April 14, 2004
This is so normal. You will fell like it will never get any better, and suddenly you will feel much better. Hang in there and don't be afraid to ask for some anti-depressants if you think you might need them. They can help alot.
   — Carla B.

April 14, 2004
Michelle you will get back to normal. Just give youself time. I could not drink cold water it gave me stomach cramps and i could only take little sips at a time. I also was thirsty too, just take a small glass of water and sip on it every 5 min.I was extremely tired and cold for the first three weeks after surgery. Hang in there better days are coming. Congratulations on your weight loss. Charlene
   — charanewme

April 14, 2004
Honey, before you even said it , i knew you had to be between 3-5 weeks post op, this is the most common time for "buyers remosre" , parts of you are feeling better, yet in other aspects youre NOT fully healed, i promise, it will feel better, in about a week or two, you will be muhc more pleased with your decision, you still need time to heal and become healthier as time goes by
   — bethlaf

April 14, 2004
Hi, I'm just a little of 3 weeks out. I too have problems drinking water. what I learned is that I was gulping water down. I have learned to sip water and it doesn't hurt. I also can not at all drink with meals. I've done it twice and my pouch got too full and had to vomit the excess liquid. Hope this helps.
   — nacindy

April 14, 2004
Hi Michelle. Weeks 3 through 5 were kind of rough for me but I perked up a lot after that. I still can't drink plain water of any temperature though because it hurts my pouch. However, Propel water(straight or diluted with water) works for me and is low in carbs. I have been told that the water tolerance returns over time. I hope that you feel better soon. Susan
   — Susan F.

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