has anyone been denied redo/revision due to staple line disruption

i had a vbg in 1994 gained all my weight back,vomit everything i eat,acid reflux,alway having stomach pains.i had a upper gi and endo scope proving sld and i was denied a revision due to lack of diet history. i have cigna hmo and as of 1-1-04 they no longer do wls.wls i need repair!!!my dr is appealing it but im just shocked i was denied...has anyone been unable to get a redo or revision???    — Tguajardo (posted on January 5, 2004)

January 5, 2004
Tammy, I know several who have gone through this. One lady I know threw up everything she ate - FOR 11 YEARS! She just had a conversion from VBG to BPD/DS with my surgeon in Spain. Have you considered self-paying? It's way more affordable than you might think. Check out for more info. Also, you could email me privately at [email protected] and I could connect you with several post-op conversion patients. Also is a great resource. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

January 5, 2004
Tammy, you have medical necessity if I've ever seen it. Get a lawyer if you have to. Make sure your doctor tells them that constant vomiting can cause a myriad of very serious problems, and that you're in chronic pain. You should not have to self-pay. Ooh, these insurance companies just get me so mad!
   — Leslie F.

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