Has anyone had gallbladder surgery after r-n-y then develop abd pain and nausea?

When I was seen in the ER they told me my liver function test levels were high? My labs have been fine up to 8 weeks post op from my gallbladder surgery. Should I be worried?    — laila (posted on November 2, 2003)

November 2, 2003
After my galbladder was removed, the pain never went away. Ended up being an ulcer in my case but honestly it could be one of a million things. Keep going back to the doctor, find out what is causing your pain.
   — RebeccaP

November 2, 2003
i had the same as Rebecca. They took my gallbladder and I still had pain. It ended up being and ulcer. i am currently taking Prevacid daily until it heals. You might want to check into it. I think it is common Leda
   — lmaxwell

November 2, 2003
I had open rny 2/22/02, then had my gall bladder taken out 10 months later. About a month after the gallbladder was taken out I had a problem with r sided abdominal pain. They never were able to figure out what it was. The surgeon who took my gallbladder out did tests and ruled out that it was anything to do with that. My bariatric surgeon ended up admitting me to the hospital over night do testing and ruled out anything to do with the wls surgery. I did end up getting iv fluids in the hospital because I was dehydrated. They also gave me Toridol thru the iv which completely took away the pain I was having. When I had my gallbladder removed (lap) the surgeon did have to cut some adhesions that had formed from the maybe the pain was just after the fact from that. They never came up with a concrete answer..I just know the Toridol iv medication helped almost immediately. good luck to you
   — Kelly T.

November 2, 2003
My pain was worse after the gallbladder was removed. I had extremely bad pain in the pouch that radiated to the back. Also very bad right side back pain. Anyway, I think I have an ulcer. I'm to chicken to get scoped as my surgeon suggested. I'm taking Nexium which seems to be doing the trick.
   — Danmark

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