Plastic Surgeon, have trouble with surgery above navel, help!!!

2 yr po, looking into Tummy Tuck. This last May I had a double ventral hernia where a 4" X 1" mesh strip was put inplace. I recently talked with a Plastic surgeon about a Tummy Tuck and due to the recent hernia surgery in May, my plastic surgeon will not do a tuck above the belly buton where my rny incison/hernia was repaired, is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else? and what did you do? I'm afraid the plastic surgeon doesn't want to go where another surgeon has been. Should I seek a second opinion???    — Barbara M. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
My PS did my muscle work so I didn't run into that trouble. I would definitely seek out somebody interested in helping you achieve the results you need. Some docs just want the easy cases. You deserve good results post op, I'd keep looking.
   — Shelly S.

October 9, 2003
I had a partial TT, I had previous surgeries and because there was no blood flow under the skin above my navel, my surgeon would not remove the skin, although he did tighten the muscles and do lipo in that area. You can run into alot of problems if the skin dies because there is no blood flow to a certain area. Hope this helps
   — Valerie M.

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