I am a little over 1 year and have not lost any weight for 2 months.
I have increased my water intake and i watch what i eat yet i can not get a pound off. What is happening. I thought i would lose for 18 months. Besides i am at 97 pound lose 3 short of 100. — MARIA G. (posted on March 25, 2003)
March 25, 2003
Me too! Just over a year- 97 official pounds (106 unofficial) and no weight
loss in 2 months- even gained one or two)
Very frustrated. Exercising like crazy, eating protein, taking protein
— ~~Stacie~~
March 25, 2003
Pop over to teh Graduate list. People 1+ years out post there. Watch for a
day or two, then jump in when ready. Many will tell you how they got past
the first big wait.
— vitalady
March 25, 2003
if nothing else works try relaxing and not stressing over this!! your doing
— Deanna Wise
March 25, 2003
This happened to me... but after a few months the weight loss kicked in
again. If you're eating any refined carbs (white sugar, white flour) get
rid of them... otherwise hang in there! It'll start up again.
— mom2jtx3
March 26, 2003
Hi Maria, I am like you, at a 97 pound loss and 13 months out. We can taste
that 100, can't we!!? I lose a pound or two a month but to even get that,
its exercising 4 X a week, cutting out some snacks, drinking tons of thing that worked for me (to get the two pounds off) was to
shake up my routine-the diet and exercise routine. I stopped exercising
for 6 days (not intentionally but had to), and did not eat my normal
breakfast or lunch for several days in a row. Well, somehow that
worked-this month at least! I know my problem-its snacking. If I cut out
the snacking, I know I'd be 10 pounds lighter, but just not willing to give
them all up, so I struggle to lose the 2-but thats OK as I am just 7 pounds
from goal.
— Cindy R.
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