Who's taste buds do I have in my mouth??? lol
Maybe someone can explain....I'm 5 weeks post-op and some things just taste "wrong"! Especially "breads"...they all taste like yeast! What's up with that? Even pizza crust which is my favorite part of the pizza, tastes yucky. I have had no problem swollowing any type of bread, toast, rolls, white bread...but just one taste reminds me of how nasty it now is...Mmmmmmmm....yogurt, which I was never a big fan of, now tastes "amazing" and nachos which I "did" love, now taste sort of bland. I think my system has done a flip-flop! Any one know the cause of this, and will I ever like my bread again!! lol...Thanks for the help, Love and Light, — medium (posted on December 27, 2002)
December 26, 2002
I know what you are talking about. My taste totaly changed after surgery.
But now 4 months out, my taste are about the same as before surgery. There
are lots of things I don't eat now, but don't miss them--just don't want
them. Its funny how the things that we shouldn't eat are they things that
taste bad. Enjoy the yogurt.
— barbara A.
December 26, 2002
This happens early on post-op. I don't know why it happens, but it does to
many. You will regain your taste back for certain items, but I have read
of a few that never develop their taste again for items that they loved
pre-op. I am 10 months post-op and like pizza pre-op, and now have no
desire for it. I've had it a few times and it just tastes greasy to me.
The same for the fast food burgers. Now if that was only the case with
chocolate, I'd be a happy camper!
— Cindy R.
December 26, 2002
My tastes completely chanced after surgery. My favorite foods I hated and
things I used to hate were my favorites. I could not stand to even think
about meat and eggs for the first four months. At about five months they
started returning to normal. Now I can eat a steak no problem. Bread I
still don't like too much.
— Linda A.
December 27, 2002
It was around 6 months before my tastes returned to normal. Occassionally
my tastes go funky. But not to often anymore.
— Danmark
December 27, 2002
hi there :) very new post op, i had a rotten rotten taste in my mouth so
everything had that flavor. i dont eat sf jello anymore because i associate
it with the funk mouth taste lol. ive also noticed that while my taster is
back to normal, i now have a taste for different things. for example, pre
op you couldnt pay me to eat a hot pepper, now i love it, crave it! i love
hot peppers now!
— carrie M.
December 28, 2002
I don't think my tastes have changed too much post-op, but consider
yourself lucky if your desire for bread is gone. It's a lot of carbs you
really don't need, and white bread is pretty much useless nutritionally.
Love of bread is one thing that made me fat in the first place!
I'm 3+ months post op and I still haven't had a piece of pizza but I still
*think* I'd like it! But I avoid bread because I'm trying to get in
protein first, and after protein there's little room for
— sandsonik
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