Body Fat Percentage, Lean Body Mass and Goal Weight

Help! I recently purchased a body fat analysis scale. Now that I have my Body Fat Percentage, can someone point me in the direction on what to do with it? I am curious if there is a calculator or a method of determining how much is lean body mass and what a realistic goal weight would be based on that information. Thank you!!!    — msjmcalpin (posted on November 17, 2002)

November 17, 2002
I use a body fat scale at my home. I started at 52% bodyfat at 164.5 and now I am 38% bodyfat at 188. I like to use my scale because sometimes I gain muscle and lose fat but you cant tell unless you % drops. A healthy female will have a bodyfat from 18%-24%. For me I am shooting for 24% at my goal of 135. To make a comparison body builders(male) at their peak performance have a fat from 2-4% and women its 4-8%. Very low! Also remeber no socks or it doesn't work. Keep in mind Mine has an error of like 5% so I generally take the average of two or three weigh ins. Good luck email me if you have any questions. Adriane
   — Adriane T.

November 17, 2002
ok, I've just got to ask - how does the machine determine your percentage of fat???
   — [Deactivated Member]

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