Does anyone know anyone who has had a TT and thighs done at the same time?

I will have a TT done in early spring and since insurance is paying would like to have for additional money my thighs done at the same time since the operating room and anisthesia is already paid for and hospital...does anyone know a site that shows thighs before and after and how they are done and how much they cost? Kathy    — Kathleen M. (posted on November 17, 2001)

November 17, 2001
I'm researching having this exact thing done, and apparently it is fairly common. I have a hernia, and so my insurance company will pay to have that and a TT tuck done at the same time. They will not pay for the thighs as they consider this cosmetic. My surgeon says he will do the thighs for an additional $1,800. I'm sure most surgeons charge about the same price. Definitely worth it!
   — Terissa R.

November 17, 2001
I have not had this done, but I did see a lady at my last post-op check up that had just had tummy tuck and thighs done two weeks earlier. She had on shorts and showed me her scars . . . she look GREAT!! To only have been out of surgery two weeks, her scars were amazing and not noticeable at all with her shorts on . . . unless you sit in a very unlady like position! ;o) The scars were of course very red, but we all know that will fade with time. I'm definitely planning on having my thighs done when I lose my weight. I had a tummy tuck 10 years ago . . . so I don't think I'll have to have another one. Regaining 100 pounds after the TT didn't help, but I don't have the hanging skin now that I'm losing. Hope that helps.
   — Notgivingup

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