Scared to have endoscopy

I have an appt. for endoscopy Monday morning. Should I be nervous about this procedure?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 8, 2001)

September 8, 2001
I am 8 weeks post op and I have had TWO endoscopies. you have nothing to worry about, the worst thing is the nasty stuff they spray in your throat to numb it. YUK.. but other than that it is a cake walk, try not too worry. Best wishes
   — Kathy H.

September 8, 2001
I had my endoscopy done and it was a peice of cake. I did not feel a thing, but when I had mine done they put me out. But regardless of that, it only takes about 5-10 minutes for the whole procedure anyway.
   — Jennifer G.

September 8, 2001
I had an endoscopy a while back. Fortunately they are using that information for my potential WLS. My only problem that I had was finding someone to take me home from the hospital. I was not allowed to drive after the procedure due to the anesthesia. I admittedly was slightly concerned before the procedure because of the warnings from the doc about my sleep apnea. He made sure that I knew all of the risks involved with such a condition with an endoscopy. Other then those 2 things, it went well. The doc and the staff were awesome. Good luck to you
   — maresident

September 8, 2001
My endoscopy was the easiest medical procedure I've ever had done (no kidding). They gave me a combination of two medications, versaid and valium which put me in what's called 'conscious sedation'. It was the most pleasant feeling in the world, I did not feel a thing and I was up and about very soon after the procedure with no after effects whatsoever. Don't waste time worrying. It's a breeze.
   — [Anonymous]

September 8, 2001
I've had more than I care to count, starting long before my WLS. The worse part for me is starting the IV, as my veins are escape artists. But it's a nice little nap, and only once was I out of it for long. I didn't drive, but I did go back to work (safely) all but one time. Painless, just inconvenient.
   — vitalady

September 9, 2001
Kathy told you like it is. I also have had 2 endoscope procedures....and it's a cake walk!! Gook Luck - try to relax! Karan
   — chance2lv

September 10, 2001
This is a simple test. I have to have one done every 2 years. My doctor doesn't even have you numb your throat anymore. So no more nasty spray!
   — richter454

September 10, 2001
you should not be scared because you will be asleep, so you don't feel anything. it is done to you and you don't even know that it is when you wake up. that is probably going to be your first question. did you do it yet? well be blessed and don't worry.
   — Tara W.

September 11, 2001
Have no fear. Trust me going in the top way is much easier then the bottom
   — Shannon K.

September 13, 2001
There is NOTHING to be scared of from this procedure. In fact this is a MUCH LESS invasive procedure than what you will experience with WLS. What you should fear is NOT getting this vital medical test. I am a preventive medicine fan (meaning - I try to prevent disease by trying to eat right, exercise and rest as best I can, given my hectic schedule and lifstyle), so I get this test and a colonoscopy every 2 years. I recommend while you are in the endooscopy suite, get the colonoscopy done at the same time - no big deal - it's a matter of routine for many Doctors and hospitals (if it's not for yours - seek another), it takes just a few minutes more and is a GREAT diagnostic and CANCER PREVENTION tool. When I got this procedure for my first time (along with the colonosocopy) some 6 years ago, I was a mess. They discovered I had an ulcer (I had no symptoms) and they removed 6 polyps from my colon - 4 of which were large and if gone unremoved would have eventually become cancer. Since then, I just finished my latest set of these tests in May, 2001 and they removed 2 more (tiny) polyps from the colon. By removing them before they became large and cancerous, I "prevented" disease (if you will). I ask these questions to anyone who reads this: Why have ulcers or colon polyps and not know it? Why let yourself get colon cancer simply because you are too scared, too busy or too lazy to get the tests done every 2 or 3 years? Isn't life worth more? I think it is! Bottom line - this test will be less painful (hardly any pain at all, in fact) than any you will have with WLS. I know this because I just had my WLS less than a week ago and I'm recovering at home (in pain). Outside of getting the IV started, you should have NO pain associated with the test(s), except maybe a sore throat or rear-end for a day afterwards, if that. Hope this LONG WINDED answer helps you.
   — Joe C.

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