Anyone on Paxil and experience a tough time losing weight?

I have been using Paxil and other SSRI anti-depressants for the past 5 years and will need to continue long term. In this time, I have been on continuous diets as always, and have had even less weight loss. I think this is due to these anti-depressants. I'm concerned that after surgery, I will not lose as I need to stay on this medication. Wonder if anyone out there in same situation and if they did indeed lose weight regardless of being on an SSRI anti-depressant or not? Thanks for all info!    — Lexie J. (posted on August 27, 2001)

August 27, 2001
I have been taking Paxil for about 5 years. I had open RNY 11/17/00 and have lost 121 pounds. Perhaps not as fast as some people, but still a respectable loss in 9 months. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

August 27, 2001
Lexie, I am a nurse. A few years back I recall giving paxil as an appetite stimulant to residents who had decreased appetite. Check out the insert in your meds. Don't stop taking it without consulting with your MD. Good Luck, Linda
   — Linda B.

August 27, 2001
lexie i was on paxil for a year. when i started seeing my psychiatrist & told him that i was so depressed about the 35 lbs i had gained in the last 9 months he immediately said 'its the paxil' & got me off it in a week. i have been able to maintain my weight for the past year.
   — sheryl titone

August 27, 2001
I was on Paxil before surgery. After I started researching WLS, I went to my PCP, to get my referal, and was shocked to see that I weighed 35 lbs more than I had thought. He told me that it probably was the Paxil, and he had seen many gain weight on it. I sometimes , with my hectic life, feel I need the Paxil, but scared I will not lose the weight.
   — [Anonymous]

August 27, 2001
I have been on Paxil for about five years. I had WLS 1.5 years ago and have lost 110 lb. I'm sure there are many people out there who have lost weight while on Paxil.
   — [Anonymous]

August 27, 2001
LEXI i too was on paxil pre surgery gained 50 pounds then they switched me to CELEXA it doesnt cause the weight gain or the zombie effect most people have no side effects at all i know i still on it and at goal 18 months post
   — BBD

August 28, 2001
I gained 80 pounds taking a similar SSRI, Zoloft. I'm post op now and still taking it, but in a very small dose. As others have posted, anti-depressants can make you gain weight. However, it won't defeat the surgery. It may make it harder for you to reach your goal weight though. I agree with the other suggestions, try to find something else. Please try to consult and actual psychiatrist, general doctors don't have the experience or expertise to really explain your options with these medications.
   — kcanges

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