Is losing weight the best revenge?

My grandmother always said that losing weight was the best revenge. I know we don't have the surgery for this purpose, but has it been a great by-product of the surgery for anyone?    — angel C. (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 25, 2001
I think your grandmother is a comedienne. At least, I hope she said it with a smile. Life is too short and too wonderful to waste energy feeling bitter or angry toward those small minded, petty, judgemental people who may have mistreated us because we were overweight. If they felt superior to us simply because they happened to be born with skinny genes and used it as an excuse to discriminate...well...I feel sorry for them. We have (probably) solved our problem with wls. They are (probably) still small minded, petty, judgemental, discriminating and bullying. Perhaps there is a surgery to help them....lobotomies? I choose to just ignore those who are fawning over me now, but wouldn't give me the time of day before surgery. I just smile and refuse to give them any personal information about my surgery or my new gorgeous body (although they keep asking) which I know they would only try to use against me, and then forget them. I have too many fun things to do and positive things to think about to waste any time or energy fretting about them.
   — Anne G.

August 25, 2001
I agree with Anne. I've worked hard to get past my anger issues with people who've mistreated me. Revenge is never a good motivator. It may be that people who've always misjudged you have to rethink their judgements, but they will probably continue to judge other obese people. If you can educate some people, that is great. But educating isn't getting revenge.
   — kcanges

August 25, 2001
I think that goes back to that "I'm fat, but you're ugly and I can always lose weight" insult. Good for a laugh! I can think of people from my past who I'd like to run into after losing all this weight, but I don't see it as revenge upon anyone...more like "Surprise!" :)
   — [Anonymous]

August 25, 2001
Of course revenge wasn't my motivation at all -- but it is fun to watch the expressions of some of those who've 'looked down their noses' at us in the past. You know the ones who use any and every excuse to exalt themselves over others -- like "I'm so thin and you're not!" They don't seem to know what to think and they sure don't say anything! Signed, Cindy who is laughing all the way to the regular-sized clothing department! he! he!
   — Cindy H.

August 25, 2001
The way I've heard this saying go is, "Living well is the best revenge." And I would say that after weight loss surgery, living well is what this is all about!
   — BethVBG

April 20, 2002
I know this is an old question, but I just had to post. YES, YES, YES!!! The changes that have come about in my life because of this surgery are totally amazing. And the reaction from my ex and his (insane) family are GREAT!!! Love, Donna in Al
   — Donna S. C.

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