How urgent, really, is my hernia repair?

I have an incisional hernia. I'd been watching the spot for a while because it looks a little strange, although it doesn't look like you would expect a hernia to look...doesn't protrude unless I lay on my back and then raise my head so that I can see it.There is no pain or discomfit of any kind. My pcp did give me a referral and the surgeon couldn't find it until I showed him the laying on my back and looking method which my wls surgeon showed me. However, now the hernia surgeon is telling me the repair is urgent. I want to do a tummy tuck at the same time, but will be self-pay and need some time to shop around for a plastic surgeon and save my money. Also...I have a trip to Bali planned for early February! It is a yoga retreat and will require lots of stomach muscle exercise...lots and lots. I have been trying to get to Bali for thirty years and, since I have already paid a healthy, non-refundable deposit, I refuse to give up, or mess up, my Bali trip! question. Do you guys think the hernia repair can wait until after I come back from Bali? or do I really have to give up on the tummy tuck (I won't be able to afford it) and stop doing my yoga and have the stupid hernia repair now? Thanks for your advice.    — Anne G. (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 25, 2001
I had an incisional hernia from a previous surgery (I have not had my WLS yet) and my PCP watched it carefully but all of a sudden one night I got deathly sick and had to have an emergency repair. It had strangled off the bowel and it hurt sooooo bad. I had to have a mesh put in to hopefully keep anymore from popping out. Hope this helps..Ella-Beth
   — Ella-Beth B.

August 25, 2001
I waited about 10 years to get an incisional hernia repaired once (from an old gall bladder surgery). As long as it isn't causing significant problems (like strangulation) it is ok to wait.
   — Cindy H.

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