I am just over a week post-op and i am nausaus (sp? ) all the time....

What can I do to calm my tummy down? The only things I am allowed to have at this stage are sugar free liquids and Carnation Instant Breakfast with skim milk. I can also have broth and decaf tea. I can't move on to the next stage of eating (soft foods) until my tummy calms down. Please help, I HAVE to get to the next stage!    — Jennifer B. (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 24, 2001
The Carnation instant breakfast with the MILK could be to strong for you. Sometimes milk is not tolerated well.Maybe ask your DR. by switching to Lactaid or trying something diff. : )
   — [Anonymous]

August 24, 2001
Carnation Instant Breakfast seems to be a topic of debate where many docs recommend it, yet many post-ops say it's not their protein of choice. Can you or have you tried a protein supplement mixed with water? I am at two months and still unable to tolerate milk very well except in very small amounts like in cereal. I was able to tolerate and liked milk pre-op as well. But, now it does get me queasy! I also read and know that many docs very early post-op seem to be more interested in the fluids and vitamins than in getting in some protein initially. Are you sipping very small amounts over a long period of time too? It is amazing how you will feel stronger every day. After the second week is when I really started to feel much better.Good luck!
   — Molly S.

August 25, 2001
Try and mix it with Vanilla soymilk, That is what I have been using and it seems to be much smoother. My stomach has been upset too lately and I think its lactose. I have always loved milk but I am 2 weeks post op and it just doesnt settle right. Hope Soymilk helps!!

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