My question concerns hair loss, appearance and cravings after surgery

I had surgery on March 26, 2001 open RNY. I have lost about 93lbs and have about another 105 to go. Seems overwhelming to me. I have lost some of my hair, my body seems to be moving south ie: leg fat, arm fat, and boobs. It depresses me when I look in the mirror and see not much of an appearance improvement after 93lbs. I feel so much better, and have changed my meds significantly, but still waiting to see this great big change. I guess I am expecting failure from a life time of doing just that. Does anyone else have these feelings? Do you feel hungry in your mind as if you are looking for something you can not find? Has anyone else found they hate everything they used to love to eat? I know this is a lot but need to know. Debbie S.    — Debbie S. (posted on August 21, 2001)

August 21, 2001
We have a fatal disease. Every other treatment used has failed. OF COURSE WE EXPECT this one, to fail, too. It's normal. I'm working on picking my brain up to do what *I* can to keep myself in remission as long as I can. There's the mechanical side, and the ME side. I can only control the me side, so I work with my weak spots in my head and nutritionally. I also knew I'd fail and maybe one day, I will. For now, it's been 7 yrs, and I weighed 108 this morning. So far, so good. When I have head hunger, I drink another protein drink. Smothers it like a blanket on a fire. My list of foods is almost nothing like my pre-op list. Things that gave me ecstasy are kinda boring. Things I didn't like, might be OK now. Of course, I may also find them unbearable now!
   — vitalady

August 21, 2001
Debbie, I smiled when I read your comment about waiting to see this great big change. I have lost 83% of my excess weight, and when I look in the mirror, or down at my own body, I don't see the change. What I see are the saggy breasts, the sheets of flab hanging on my thighs, and I'll refrain from the adjectives about my stomach! This is a real body image issue; like the other poster, when I look at my before and after photos, I am flabbergasted. But I just can't see it in the mirror, no matter how much better I feel, and how much smaller my clothes are. -Kate-
   — blank first name B.

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