What if I swallow gum or watermellon seeds post op?

This may sound dumb, but worst case senario, what if I accidently swolled a watermelon seed, or chewing gum. What if I were stranded on a desert island and did not have my vitamins. Would I die. How adaptable is your life after WLS?    — Tica G. (posted on August 14, 2001)

August 14, 2001
I've accidently swallowed some watermelons seeds a few weeks ago and I'm still here. ;) And I hardly ever take my vitamins as I usually don't remember them or can't find them if I do. (You can tell I'm not married, eh?). You'll survive.
   — Danmark

August 17, 2001
This is in response to Barb's post below. Once I tried a "seedless" watermellon but I found it to have what seemed like hundreds of "little soft white seeds". It was impossible to get them all out. So I'll just eat a regular watermellon with "big black seeds I can see" and usually sort out. ;)
   — Danmark

August 21, 2001
We were instructed, NO GUM...EVER! If you accidentally swallow it, it may become stuck in stoma, and you may need to have surgery to correct the problem!
   — Jeanne P.

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