Has anyone been able to eat chips with a bean dip, or pork rinds?
— Kristi U. (posted on August 13, 2001)
August 13, 2001
I am able to eat chips, pork skins, beans and they don't brother me. I
would advise you not to eat that junk, it could start a trend of bad old
habits and also slow your weightloss down. Check with your doctor. I sure
he will rule against it.
— [Anonymous]
August 13, 2001
Hi Kristi - I can eat an occassional Torilla chip, but not potato chips or
pork rinds (which I dump on). I can also do cheetos in very small amounts.
— chance2lv
August 13, 2001
Interestingly enough, corn chips and bean dip is a highly nutritious snack,
with a full complement of proteins. Any time you combine whole grains and
beans, you get all the different types of protein, as any good vegetarian will tell you. Now, they also
add a high percentage of fat and salt to the diet, so moderation is the
key, and yes, as a DS-er, I have had corn chips, salsa and bean dip, even
with a little sour cream. AWESOME TASTE, BABY! Point being: MODERATION,
something most of us couldn't manage until they made our stomachs smaller.
Good Luck to you!
— merri B.
August 13, 2001
Occasionally, I'll have baked Tostitos dipped in fat free refried beans
with lowfat cheese. Very Tasty...and a good way to get in your protein!
Ciao, Victoria in Italy :)
— perezrdh
August 14, 2001
I have eaten both chips and pork rinds. The pork rinds do have protein, but
to me they were too rich to eat much of. I can eat chips, but usually try
to limit it since there's not much nutrition in them. I have had chicken
and bean nachos and piled the toppings from two or three chips onto one so
I increase my protein ratios. I can only eat about 1/2 cup, so I don't eat
many chips . . .
— ctyst
July 12, 2003
I've tried eating pork rinds, but only after eating 2 of them, I feel sick!
The smell of them also makes my stomach queazy. You'll have to try them
and see wha happens.
— Terri G.
July 12, 2003
Just the WORDS 'pork rinds' make me dump, and I'm still pre op:) Ick.
Personal preference:)
— kathy B.
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