can I discuss surgery with PCP before I switch insurances?

I will have continuous coverage, but is their a loop hole for the insurance co. to deny my claim? Someone told me not to get a referral until my new insurance begins. Can I get some of my tests done before the change. I hate not getting anything accomplished for an entire month. thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 31, 2001)

August 1, 2001
Ooooh! I don't think I would do that. Check and see with another insurance company first. One that isn't related to you in any way. That way they won't be on to you. I would think that if your insurance is through the employer it should be covered. But before I do it just to be on the safe side, check that out. Then let me know what you find out.:)
   — K T.

August 4, 2001
Talk to your doctor off the record. Insurance company's share info when you switch. If your new insurance covers the surgery, wait until you switch before you ask for a referral.
   — Jan M.

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