Anyone having Lap Band performed.........Please Help

I want to know how much weight have you lost, and how long did it take? I now weight 290,I need to lose at least 150 pounds and I don't think this will happen with the band. Please let me know how much you've lost,how long did it take, how long you kept it off and did you have any trouble with the band slipping? I really need to decide right away. Thank each and everyone.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 30, 2001
I just received my band on July 18th., and went back in today for my 10 day (really 12 days) checkup. Just like on any diet we've tried in the past, you lose a lot right at first, which is mostly water, then it tapers off. Well, I was flabbergasted today when I found out I've already dropped 24.5 pounds. As good as this site is, there is another one that is devoted totally to people with bands. It's part of the Yahoo groups and is called thebandsters. There are several people on that site who have lost 130+ pounds. One is Wayne Smith, and one is a lady in New Braunfels, Texas named Cordell. Check it out for lots of information.
   — Carol S.

July 30, 2001
A girlfriend of mine at work had the lap band done a little over a year ago. She did wonderful for the first 6 or 7 mo and lost 75 lbs. The last time I saw here I mentioned she did not seem to be losing much lately. She said she wend home everynight and ate ice cream. I mean really....but this is why I am having RNY. I want to dump and know icecream will not be a temptation.
   — [Anonymous]

July 30, 2001
Well I picked the bypass so I wouldnt fall into the ice cream trap, but guess what, I dont appear to dump.I am just over one week post op and tried some ice cream to find out, So this is no guarantee.....
   — bob-haller

July 31, 2001
well, i had the rny on 4-10-01 i've lost 60 lbs in 3 1/2 months. i have only dumped one time and it was with a french fry...only one...i thought i was gonna die. well i have not had one since. and i will never eat one again. its a choice you have to make... make these changes on your own and it will last longer. believe me. my dr told me oh you can have chocolate if you crave it. but chocolate is my downfall. he says only take a small bite and that will satisfy your craving. well i just made up my mind this time that no i will not eat chocolate. cause like you said its not a sure fire cure that you will dump with the bad stuff (ice cream). so i dont want to put myself in that position. if you read my profile you'll see the rny was my second weight loss surgery... i will do it right this time... dont let anyone tell you that you dont have to watch what you eat, because thats not true..... set goals and stick to them. when you start losing more and more weight and you start doing things you've never been able to do. you'll see its worth not eating chocolate, ice cream, french fies, greasy burgers.....i fell great....i'm down to 202 lbs. fight it dont eat it if you know its bad for you...good luck
   — kelly S.

July 31, 2001
Bob H. (yes you shouldn't have tried ice cream, but that isn't my point) You probably DO dump, but I bet you couldn't eat enough ice cream at 7 days out to MAKE you dump. 2 bites might not be enough sugar to do it. I can have about 10 g of sugar, about 12 of milk sugan (1 cup of milk, or 4 T. of ice cream) When I eat ice cream, I only eat the good stuff. All Ben and Jerry's for me. i get more bang for my 4 spoons full. Don't panic! You will probably dump! Don't test it, let your tummy heal...
   — M. A. B.

August 17, 2001
Hi, I am having the Adjustable Lap Band on August 27th, I am very excited. Everyone is different you will notice alot of people have there coments about this type of WLS. I was to have Lap Gastric Bypass done, but my surgeon & I decided with this only because it has the same results as any other surgery just a slower weight loss, & for some rapid. Also it's less time in the hospital 24 hrs, & a week out of work. Needless to say people comment on the Band that was done years ago, & I have to say that the band has come a long way, in the medical field. Good luck to you! & you make the decision about what to do with your life. Mail me anytime we will talk. dj [email protected]
   — Dawn J.

April 8, 2002
had lap band in january 2002-Have lost 50 lbs in 3 mos. Feel much better.Was 400 lbs at surgery.
   — j G.

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