I have a question about sleep apnea and ABG testing...

I am supposed to be using my CPAP machine for sleep apnea. I have a hard time keeping it on because I take it off in my sleep and it makes me slightly claustrophobic. I am concerned that when I go for my ABG test this Tuesday that my blood oxygen levels will be too low...will this cause my surgery to be delayed or anything?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 27, 2001)

July 27, 2001
I found out the dirty little secret about these machines and how uncomfortable they can be. Theres a alternative and its much less uncomfortable. I told my surgeon before hand that I dont tolerate the thing and was scared my pressuire of 17 might inflate my intestines and cause a leak so in recovery and my room they put me on a high qxygen flow of 4 liters and my pulse ox was 95% or better the entire time. Oxygen is so much easier thamy bipap torture mask.
   — bob-haller

July 27, 2001
Check into different types of maskes or nose pillows. Also have the titration checked on you machine, it may need to be blowing at a higher pressure. Also, check into getting a Smart CPAP. That is what I used. A CPCP blows at a constant pressure. A BiPAP blows at two different pressures, one when inhaling and another when exhaling. The Smart CPAP can sense when you are snoring and blows harder when you're snoring and less hard when you're not. I took my mask off in my sleep all the time. After increasing the pressure twice, which did help somewhat, I was switched to the SmartCPAP. It worked wonderfully. My father also had problems with removing his mask in his sleep. His stopped taking it off when he switched to nose pillows. You may have to experiement until you find what is right for you. Good luck.
   — Sharyle L.

April 22, 2002
I had the same problem what i found what you had to do was Relax, blow back in the mask through you noise hard and it slows dowm the air. I use a Gold Seal Mask. hope this helful.
   — George H.

May 31, 2002
With the surgery they will check your oxygen level and adjust accordingly. Still keep them up to date on any problems you have so they can be prepared.
   — Rhonda V.

May 31, 2002
Kimi, my ABG test showed my oxygen was low, but they did my surgery anyway. I couldn't get used to my CPAP either.
   — Lisa N M.

March 14, 2003
you really got to use your cpap, actually its all in the mask. mine is called the comfort classic by respironics inc. its so soft and comfortable i forget im wearing it.they'll make you wear it in hospital so u might as well get used to it. it really does make a difference in your breathing and sleeping. change masks and give it 1 more try.
   — gail S.

March 26, 2003
My surgery date is march 31st and I went for my pre op and they asked me if i was using my cpap and I told them yes. But I to have the same problem about in my sleep I take it off. Sometimes it feels like I am not breathing and all that is; Is when I breath without it I am forcing it and I am aware of my breathing but with my cpap on it just come easy and it is not forced. There for less aware of doing. Anyway when I went in for my pre-op they told my my O2 level was low.I told them I have a cpap I use at night and they just said it was ok and wanted to make sure that I was aware of it. when you go for your surgery take your cpap with you. dont worry you will do great. good luck. soon to be your lil sister. dana
   — dana G.

March 29, 2003
I get very annoyed by my CPAP, but I am teeling WORKS !!!! I cannot sleep without it,,,,if I do I never sleep and am EXHAUSTED.......I think the oxygen would still be ok though! Good Luck!
   — Saxbyd

May 14, 2003
I use a Bi-Pap now and it's wonderful. I was diagnosed in 1990 and have used a C-Pap until March 2003. Now I sleep through the night, sometimes up to 8 hours without waking at all. Also, my boyfriend tells me that I no longer snore. I know it's rough to get used to it, but I promise you, when you do you'll wonder why it took so long.
   — Denise K.

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