Does everyone loss their hair

I have long brown hair it is one of the few things on my body I am truly proud of. Is there a chance I can do somthing pre-op to prevent loss?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 13, 2001)

July 13, 2001
I too had unbelievably long brown hair -- absolutely gorgeous!!! -- before my surgery. When I hit the point where hair loss started, I cut it all off and now have extremely short boy hair! (Which I LOVE!) But you can do your best in getting in your protein, your zinc, and all your other vitamins ... just do what you're supposed to do and that's pretty much the BEST you can do from what I understand. I know some people don't experience much hair loss at all, I hope you're one of them. I however nearly had a bald spot at the top of my head from so much hair loss. After blowdrying my hair, my feet would literally be covered in hair that had fallen off my head. I cut my hair short in the belief that the "weight" of it was helping pull it out of my head. At one point you could see my scalp thru the hair. But it stops and it gets better and believe me, even if I had gone completely bald before it stopped, it was all worth it to get to the point where I am today! (Was any of this helpful?!! I hope so!)
   — Beth B.

July 14, 2001
I, too had extemely long and thick hair. I have done everything that has been recommended/suggested. There are just some things that you can not help. I truly believe that if you were meant to lose your hair then you will. I do however take my protein supplements, vitamins, b6, b12, biotin, niacin, zinc,and calcium. I have also used Nioxin products for about 4 months. Nothing has helped. However, I have stopped blaming myself and thinking that I wasn't doing everything that I could. My labs are perfect. Now while I believe that hair loss happens or it doesn't, I still do everything possible to help it only because I don't want to wonder later if there was more I could have done. Now I know there isn't. It is a wonderful feeling to just let go and relax. While watching the hair fall out is stressful, I an no longer wondering how I can "fix" it.
   — Shelley.

July 14, 2001
I am 6 months post RNY, and I have had no hair loss at all. I have lost a total of 60 lbs so the slow weight loss may account for not loosing hair.
   — Kim F.

September 27, 2001
I lost a lot of hair the first year. Now my hair is absolutely beautiful. I think this is only temporary. I kind of feel like you body is cleansing itself from the years of food abuse!
   — Patti G.

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