I am waiting for my surgery date and I now I need a hysterectomy.

My OB/GYN wants to do my hysterectomy at the same time I have my WLS. He is going to talk to my surgen to find out if he can do it at the same time. Has anyone ever heard of this or had it done. Can it be done or what?    — Terri W. (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
I have had a hysterectomy and if I'd have had the chance to do it all together I would have. 1 recooperation time, 1 pain time, and 1 everything ......sounds like an Excellent choice to me.
   — [Anonymous]

July 10, 2001
Ditto and ditto. I've had a hysterectomy and am awaiting WLS next month. If I had the chance to do them in "one swell foop", I grab it. One episode of general anesthesia, which is a lot of the risk, is a huge gift! Grab it!
   — Nancy G.

July 11, 2001
Same here. Had hysterectomy THEN WLS. Wish I'd been able to do it all at the same time! If you can, you probably will be better off in the long run to do it at the same time. right before my RNY, the surgeons thought it was a possibility I'd need bowel surgery. The WLS surgeon said he could do it all at the same time. Two surgeries at the same time are not uncommon. Best of luck with your decision.
   — Maria H.

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