11 days until surgery and I have loss of appetite
I will have surgery in 11 days. I have no desire to back out, I am actually quite excited about getting this done and geting to the other side. However, my BMI was 43. I have lost 16 lbs. since my initial appt. in April. My doctor recommended that I start exercising which I have done. Is there any way he will cancel my surgery due to this even though I have been approved? I do have co-morbities. I hope that this is just my nerves and not something that will really happen. — S S. (posted on July 9, 2001)
July 9, 2001
I went to my first wls support group meeting a couple of weeks ago. I am
around 100 lbs overweight, maybe a bit more. I asked the doctor what would
happen if I lost weight after being approved and ended up being under the
100 lb criteria. He responded that he goes by the weight that the patient
is at the consult not surgery date. He did say that of course if you lost a
great deal of weight, then that could change things but that doesnt often
happen. Good Luck!
— Donna L.
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