My surgery falls in the middle of my next term. What should I do?
I am taking INTERNET college courses. I am afraid that if I don't go to class next semester, that I might lose the money from my grants, etc. My classes start on 6 Aug and end 30 Sep and my surgery is 20 Aug. Do you think since my classes are on the internet that if I got my assignments done a week or two ahead of time that I could keep up with two classes after surgery? — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 7, 2001)
April 23, 2002
I am taking AAB courses one night a week. My surgery....
June 4th is the day before my final class in one of my subjects. The
administrator (who is also teaching this class) told me not to worry about
it. He said we could work out a happy arrangement. He is also going to
let me take my next class through correspondence since I won't be able to
drive and sit at a desk. I'm glad I'm going to a college that is willing
to work with their students!
— Teresa S.
May 27, 2002
I am a returning college student, and I decided to postpone surgery until
the end of my semester so I could have the whole summer to recuperate. We
had to file three extensions to my insurance company, but I am finally
having surgery June 3, and I am looking forward to a peaceful summer with
plenty of time to exercise and experiment with foods, and then returning to
school and having no one recognize me!!
— kimlasavio
February 1, 2003
I am a graduate student with an associateship that pays my tuition since I
work 20 hours a week. My surgery is February 10 exactly in the middle of
the quarter. There was no way I was going to wait until summer. I
discussed the situation with my advisor and registered with Institutional
Equity who helped me negociate with my professors and my boss. I am able
to get PRs in my classes which means in progress and I will have extra time
to complete the assignments. And for Spring quarter I may be able to have
my required hours lowered if I'm not feeling 100%. I am also able to work
from home after a couple weeks off after surgery. I'm very thankful have
these people to work with.
— Sarahlicious
February 3, 2004
I realize this is an old question, but most professors and instructors are
more than willing to work with students. In fact, as the percentage of
non-traditional college students rises, the instructors have become even
more conscious of the needs of students. It is no longer like basic
training. They realize we have lives and kids, and that things happen in
life that may cause us to miss classes, etc. I am taking two classes this
semester as I work my full-time job, and I will miss a week of school for
my surgery as well as a few days when my husband has knee surgery. I have
approached both of my profs, and there won't be any problem with me either
taking some extra time doing a writing assignment or taking a quiz at a
later date. I doubt that my situation is unique, and if the only time you
can get the surgery is during the term, I say go for it, if it means that
much to you.
— Linn D.
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