5 month post op and still no energy...why?

I am 5 months post op,down almost 90lbs. I keep thinking that any day now my energy level will get back to normal but it just is'nt happening. I had my blood work done up and got back that everything was great. I take my vits and plenty of water, lots of protien,but for some reason I feel like I want to lay in bed all the time,I've got two toddlers and a house to take care of,luckily I don't work out of the house but I feel like it's too much right now. Why is this? I also notice I'm alot more short tempered with my kids for no reason at all. I hear that losing weight fast can mess with you hormonally,is that true? I hate feeling this way! I just want to feel normal again! Does anyone understand?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
Please make an appt with your Dr. It sounds like you may have something that is not necessarily related to WLS. One possibility is Clinical Depression. To be clinically depressed, you do not have to have anything "to be depressed about" as often it has nothing to do with life events. SOmetimes, for reasons not completely understood, one's brain chemistry gets mal-adjusted for a little while. There are *excellent* antidepressants available that could have you feeling optimistic and "like yourself" again in as little as 2 weeks. PLEASE go see your Dr and tell him/her just what you posted here. It could be that the rapid weight loss triggered something that triggered depression. All of this happened to me (without WLS) and I felt crummy. Two weeks on antidepressants and I wondered why I had waited so long... Take care...
   — Nancy G.

July 3, 2001
Did you actually look at your labs yourself? Sometimes you can still be within normal ranges, yet have dropped (or risen) substantially in one or more elements. No one will notice as long as you are still in normal ranges. Since you will be seeing your doc soon ANYWAY (right?), then you can request copies of your pre-op & recent labs and go over them at your convenience. Where were you in THIS element, and where are you now? (and any major changes would be called to your doc's attention) Protein? Albumin? Stuff like that. And yes, the hormones largely reside in the fat. So, losing 90# of fat in the dirt, why yes, that very well could wreak havoc with your everything! So, hopefully the doc can knit it all together for you. And you will have begin your own personal file on your labs so that you will have them available.
   — vitalady

July 3, 2001
From what you describe, I think Nancy has hit the nail on the head. Please check it out with your doctor.
   — Lisa B.

September 4, 2001
I totally understand, and I still feel bad too, I am 4 months post op, believe me depression is very possible, I am so happy I am losing, but I think I am depressed because it has been extra slow for me, all I want to do is lay in bed, I even stayed home from work for a week because I just dont feel good, no Pain, but just crapy feeling.. I feel like no-one understands this... I was so glad to read you posting.. I have started taking my effexor (anti-depressant) again, and this week i have felt 20% better.. I hope that once this gets into my system I will feel much better..check out thyroid or depression with your Dr... Hope this helps!
   — Sheryl K.

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