I am 5 months post op and still get sick alot...Will it ever go away?
I am 5 months post op. The first few months were basiclly hell for me. I was throwing up and sick to my stomache alot.Eventually it seemed to subside and things were looking up. Lately I have been feeling fine for a couple days and then I wake up the next morining feeling sick. It lasts all day,then goes away. The past few days I will eat my normal meal and within the hour be nausous.(spell??).Later I feel better.Then I get hungry,eat and the same thing will happen. Whats going on? will it ever go totally away? (no I'm not pregnant).If anyone understands or has any suggestions please help! — [Anonymous] (posted on June 28, 2001)
June 28, 2001
I felt exactly the same way at 5 months. I wondered if I would ever feel
more normal again. Things really changed for me at nine months. Although I
was still careful to limit bread, meat, etc., the nausea and sick feeling
after eating in the evening went away almost entirely. I am now 11.5
months, and I am starting to feel almost normal. I'm still afraid to eat
red meat, but have been experimenting a little bit with bread and find I
can eat a bit now (about one piece) and not get sick. This is good...and
bad. I'm afraid my new tolerance may mean that I won't be losing any more
weight. It is good, however, to feel more normal again and to be able to
socialize and enjoy an evening out with friends. I don't know why some of
us seem to get so sick following surgery and some never do at all. Prior
to surgery I had a cast iron stomach...never sick. I really couldn't
recommend wls to anyone until very recently. Hang in there. It gets
better. Use this time to lose all the weight you can.
— Anne G.
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