Longer-term post-ops - HELP!! I can't seem to stop cheating w/bad foods
I am 8 months post op and I feel like in the last month or so, I have really fallen off the band wangon and I'm not sure how to get back on. My previously (pre-surgery) non-existant sweet tooth has kicked into full gear...I think it's trying to make up for the past 30. I often find myself making little exceptions...oh 1 bag of chips from the vending machine won't hurt...1 candy bar, 1 handful of m&m's etc. HELP!! I can't seem to get control of it...every day I feel like "ok today I'm going to win...i'm not giving in today" only to fail. If it's not something sweet, then it's something fried. I know I'm not eating nearly as bad or as much as I did before, but I know I'm not helping myself here. I only lost 2 lbs last month!! And, I am having the worst time getting water in. I figure on a good day, maybe I get 40-50 oz in. On a bad day it might only be 30-40. HELP!!! I tried a therapy group. There is only 1 therapist in my town who deals with eating issues, and she had started a group that was for overweight people with eating issues...after 2 meetings, she cancelled the group. Now what do I do?? — [Anonymous] (posted on June 18, 2001)
June 18, 2001
I am also eight months post op and I know exactly what you are going
through. I find that if the sugar urge really gets to me, I can usually
satisfy it with a chocolate protein bar. I keep them at work and home.
When I want something salty, I have popcorn. I also try not to bring any
food into the house unless it is ok for me to eat. I won't allow myself
near the snack machines at work because I know I won't be able to stop if I
start. As far as the water, what I do is buy the 16 ounce bottles of
spring water and I force myself to drink one before each meal. I hope this
helped. Good Luck!!!
— Helen C.
June 18, 2001
One thing you can do is post pictures of your "old" self
everywhere for you to see with a picture of "new" you next to it.
Maybe that will make it easier to turn away from the foods that are bad for
you. I know when losing weight watching yourself get smaller is a big
motivator so that may help. Another thing you can do is force yourself to
drink a large amount of water before you have your "snack" that
way you may have a more full feeling and not be able to eat as much
otherwise. If you don't have a support group i am sure there are several
meetings online, just search for them in a search engine. Just remember
everything you went through to get where you are now. Also remember you
seldom get a second chance. Most insurance companies will only pay for One
surgical procedure for obesity. Good luck to you and keep faith in yourself
— [Anonymous]
June 18, 2001
Oh MY GOD!! I feel the same exact way. I'm eight month post op as well. But
today I have made the decision of getting back on track. We have to
girlfriend. We do!! We have come to far. I don't know what has been wrong
with me this past month. I figured i was wondering about my insurance
approval with hernia and tummy tuck...but i'm not sure what the heck is
wrong with me. Let's Do this for us!! We can stop this...We surely can!!! -- before and after
— Angela A.
June 18, 2001
Good to see I'm not the only "chocoholic" in town!! I'm still
pre-op; but trying to establish some good habits now. I am finding when I
do enough protein, oddly enough I have less sugar cravings. Go figure!
I'm a vegetarian and suspect that I
have never really gotten enough protein in - now, doing the supplements, I
do, and I require less chocolate! Hope it lasts. ;-) Good luck to all.
— blee01
June 18, 2001
I can relate to exactly how you are feeling.. I am 14 mos post op and I
feel like I am falling back into the same trap.. and I don't want to and I
don't know how to get going again.. I haven't gained any.. but I am not
losing anymore either.. I want to lose at least another 20 lbs. I know if I
get my act together I can do it.. I didn't come this far to blow it.. and I
don't want to be obese again either.. I would really like some Email
buddies or something to be of support.. and we could help each other.. We
can make this work.. We have to.. (HUGS!!)
— Debbie R.
June 18, 2001
I have been complaining about this as well. I am the worst of us all and
have resorted to playing fake outs on myself. I try not to slip into the
bad habits by avoiding the situation all together. They say it helps- for
instance when you're trying to quit smoking- if you take a different route
home and get out of the routine of lighting up as you usually would have
had you driven home normally. For me, it was no more stops at the
convienence store for Mochas in the AM, if I don't go then I cannot buy the
Doritos! I am a impulse spender and buy food just to buy it, since in my
fat mind I am always afraid I will get hungry (and get the shakes, which
sucks) and have no food to eat. This is not the case as I will never go
"hungry"... and if I planned in advance I could avoid the shakes!
So now if I can get myself to start drinking my first 16 oz right when I
get out of the shower, and then I find I am a quarter to my water goal and
haven't even eaten a thing! If I force myself to go straight to work- then
I can do it- since I already started drinking water, I couldn't eat ANYWAY
(I tell myself) so why stop? I am also trying to pack my lunch all week
and bring no money for outside foods (ie vending machine). If I have no
money, I usually cannot spend it- of course, I bring my ATM in case of
emergencies... but rarely leave work to go buy snacks!
— Karen R.
June 18, 2001
My non-existant sugar cravings hit me about 18-20 months out. But then in
those days, we did not take enough protein supps. I think I have found the
level that keeps me from even thinking about this stuff now, but I must be
diligent. Get sloppy & I am over there sniffing donuts at the grocery.
I make sure I get no incidental sugars, such as milk or applesauce or
yogurt (things that appear healthy). As I am working up for a minor
surgery, I am holding my "perfect" level or better and as a
result, don't have much interest in any foods, actually!
— vitalady
June 19, 2001
Boy, do I know how this feels! I got off track for about a month, but got
back on for a month, but still have not seen anymore weight loss. It
really makes me want to give up! I am 35 lbs from goal, but have not lost
in nearly 3 months now. I am having hernia repair/abdominoplasty on 7/31,
and had hoped to lose 15-20 more lbs by then. I just don't understand why
it won't come off. I have even liquid-fasted for three days, and did drop
a few pounds, but they came back as soon as I began eating again. I've
seen people here talk about being prescribed diet pills for the last few
pounds. I don't want to fall into the old dieting traps, but I didn't come
this far to still weigh more than 200 lbs! I am grateful for every pound
lost, but I just want to make my goal and not feel like a failure in my own
eyes. I'm ready to do WHATEVER to lose it. Anyone with any ideas, please!
Let us know! I would love to keep in touch with everyone who responded
— [Deactivated Member]
June 19, 2001
Okay...this is weird! I am 11 months out and have been going through the
exact same thing since month 8. I have never had a sugar craving before,
but have recently been craving hard candies in the afternoon and evenings.
Hard candies don't make me dump...if it wasn't for dumping I would probably
be into the hard core sweets. I surmised that my new found cravings could
be because this is actually the very first time in my entire life that
there are no "Forbidden Foods". It is the first time in 40 years
that I haven't been on a diet! and I think the freedom is a bit too much to
deal with. If it doesn't make me sick...I can eat it. I am hoping that when
the novelty wears off, I will regain my good sense and start eating right
again. I did have my protein supplement this morning before leaving for
work. Intellectually I know that the sugar craving means my body really
needs the protein. I promise, right now, before all of you, that I will
get my protein intake up to at least 60 grams a day and begin recording
everything I eat...including the hard candies so that I can get a handle on
what is going on. There was a great internet site ( that I
had been using to record my diet and analyze the nutrition which I will go
back to today. Writing sdown what I eat does make me accountable. Thank
you so much everyone who responded to this question. It really does help
to know that others are struggling with the same issues we have. We can
get through this together.
— Anne G.
October 9, 2001
Let's face it - we are compulsive overeaters - I recommend OA!
— blank first name B.
April 7, 2002
seems to be an 8month thing going on here. I too am 8 mth post op I am in
the UK theres not much in the way of support here.I agree we are all
compulsive eaters this is an illness and an addiction the same way as
drugs, smoking or alcohol is to other addicts.My sweet tooth has returned
big style I too feel like I have lost it while I cannot eat great
quantities of chocolate I can graze on it. I am at the moment living on
chocolate and not really eating anything else I feel like crap about this
and can see that the only person I am decieving is me.We need to get a grip
,how I am not sure. Any tips please
— [Deactivated Member]
September 4, 2003
Eight months must have some connection with so many similiar experience.
I have reached my goal and am a stress eater. As long as I have my
protien, water, and vitamins in every day, I give myself permission to have
of a Snicker bar or sip on a small Pepsi, now that I know I can tolerate
them slowly with alot of the carbonation shaken out. It is not putting
weight on and if I deprive myself when I "need" chocolate or
sugar I fear that I would end up going back to a bingeing one day when I am
really stressed out. I would like to hear from 12 and 18 month post op's on
how these issues and their choices effected them further into their
journey? Thank you.
— K B.
September 4, 2003
I will be 18 months on the 22nd of this month. i have lost 100 lbs. It
was 105 but I gained 5 of those back. I don't know if it was my body was
not comfortable at 153 or what. But now I am constantly hungry. At my
last support group meeting they told me that when I feel hungry to drink 8
oz. of water and in 20 minutes if the hunger is still there then I am just
hungry. So lets just say I have definitely been getting my water in. Also
I am trying to get all of my protein in. That has also been hard. I have
started walking again but I am still holding steady at 158/159. I just
ordered more protein stuff from vitalady hopefully that will jump start and
I can loose the 7 lbs again. Any other long term post ops have any advise
please help. Thanks and God Bless.
— Chris9672
September 5, 2003
At 11 months out I am finding i am wanting things I thought I had lost
interest in. I even took the plunge in to a bag of peanut M&Ms the
other day. (if any body lectures me may they gain 50 pounds over night) I
already know it was a bad idea and my guts let me know too, I only dumped
mildly tho!!!!?????? I am finding I NEED to keep my hands busy, I am
focusing on getting out of the house or if I am home in the evening, get
busy sewing, folding laundry, scrapbooking or something so my hands are
away from the kitchen. If I go upstairs to my room and read I am less
likely to trek downstairs for a snack. I try to keep my bif mug of water
of crystal lite handy since I need to wait to eat after drinking it slows
me down from grabbing a snack. It will always be a struggle in my opinion,
for me at least. If they only had WLS for the brain...
— **willow**
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