Does cellulite disappears?

I was wondering if cellulite disappears after you lose a large amount of weight. I have had this problem for most of my life only on my thighs and butt and would love to know if it will disappear or will I need plastic surgery.    — blank first name B. (posted on June 4, 2001)

June 4, 2001
The ONLY thing that can be guaranteed is that everyone's experience will be different! However, my cellulite is gone from my hips and butt, but the saggy skin is there. No cottage cheese ripples, but saggy, baggy. Plastic surgery is in my future, but I don't imagine they will have to lipo my butt area, just pull it "up" a bit!
   — BethVBG

August 12, 2001
Hi there, Unfortunately, cellulite does not disappear. However, there is this wonderful product by Roc.It is an anti-cellulite lotion. You can get it at Wal-mart and any pharmacy. It is about 15 dollars a bottle and IT WORKS. I don't have cottage cheese thighs anymore!! LOL. good luck !!
   — [Anonymous]

February 5, 2003
Hi there, The cellulte will go away if you exercise, I had so much it wasn't funny, but everyone is different, my dad remarked the other day how skinny my legs are compared to before and its true but I also have a personal trainer that works on my problem areas with me, let me recommend lunges and leg presses, get a shape or muscle hers magazine for correct use of gym equipment and believe me you can have the butt and thighs of your dreams....Kim
   — Kim W.

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