Long Term Post-Op Reconstructive Surgery

Please give me suggestions on what I will need at the hospital and/or at home immediately after hernia repair with abdominoplasty. What can I expect in terms of pain and recovery as compared to wls (open RNY)? Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on June 3, 2001)

June 2, 2001
Depends so much on who does it, how it's done..... Many people go back to loose cotton panties for a few weeks. Some like to borrow a walker, if you're being done very tightly. They can be bought for $5 at a thirft store, too. Helps with the back pain from leaning forward. Because I had drains for 3 weeks, I had 2 denim type jumpers. They were cute, but they have me a place to pin the drains, as I didn't just do the TT to have a wad around my waist! (lol) I had mine done in winter, though, so that was perfect. I also used one of those pads you can nuke to help with the swelling. I may have imagined it, but I thought it helped with the discomfort, too.
   — vitalady

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