I am experiencing extreme pain near my belly-button.
I had an open duodenal switch on March 17, 2001. Recently, I have started experiencing a lot of pain if I sit for too long (more than an hour), or when sitting down on my couch or recliner. It only lasts for a short time when I'm moving, however, the pain is so unbearable I feel like I'm going to pass out. In reading previous posts, it looks as if most people experience their pain when standing. My surgeon lives in another state, so I was only able to get phone advice. He doesn't think I need to be worried. Has anyone else experienced this kind of pain post-op? — [Anonymous] (posted on May 30, 2001)
May 30, 2001
Any pain severe enough to make you feel like you are going to "pass
out" requires medical attention! Go to see your primary care physican
first, and SOON. Chances are it is just pulled muscles still recovering
from your surgery.. but, you should make sure that someone who has EXAMINED
you in the flesh makes that determination. A phone or email consultation
is worth very little.
— BethVBG
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