Effexor Withdrawl, I missed one dose of my effexor xr

I needed some help. I take effexor XR.....75 mg/day. Yesterday I forgot a dose because of alot of stress from Erin bringing home lice from school and all we had to do to clean it out. By 6 last night I was SO nauseated. By 10 pm I was in a full blown anxiety attack and it wasn't pretty. It took me till 4 am to fall asleep and then I had such terrible nightmares I woke up crying!!! Can ONE missed dose DO that!!???? I never want that again and now I am terrified I will NEVER be off this pill if going off does that to me. HELP!!    — Jo C. (posted on May 19, 2001)

May 19, 2001
I have experienced the same reaction to missing a dose of my effexor xr. ANXIETY! I was shaking, jittery, was awful. But you can safely be tapered off of the medication. I am now off of it since I had my surgery with no real problems. I still have some anxiety, but I think it is my body adjusting to surgery and all the trauma it experienced. But, definitely, don't forget to take a dose of the effexor or the same reaction will probably occur. Hang in there!
   — Brenda H.

May 19, 2001
Now you know why the doctor will tell you to wean off them when you decide to go off them, rather than just quitting cold turkey. Some people have little or no reaction. Most people do have reactions, and need to wean.
   — defatbroad

May 19, 2001
Jo C, I am on Effexor and I'm sch'd for sch. this Tues. I tried to wean myself off the medicine because I don't know how to take it after I have the VBG. I wanted to be off of it because when I miss one dose I become very dizzy and lightheaded. In my opinion, the bad dreams, nausea and panic "could" be from the lice situation. I am so serious. My daughter got lice three years ago. Actually, it was October 18th. I'll never forget the date. I was a basket case. I washed EVERYTHING. I treated her head 5 times, which was so wrong to do. I didn't know that, at the time. I since have learned a lot about lice. They like clean heads, not dirty. The reason people think poorly when contacting lice is because it is usually the irresponsible parents that fight it over and over due to not follow through with getting rid of it. DON'T FORGET to comb her hair with the lice comb (blue iodized was my favorite comb)every nignt for two weeks. I could go on and tell you more if you need to know. You can email me at: [email protected] She never got it again, but the panic is always there. Every night during her treatment, I'd have to stop to run to the bathroom. (sorry for the details) My stomach actually spins when I see it on anyone. Which is so pathetic. They can't kill us. "This too shall pass". Teresa
   — Teresa W.

May 19, 2001
I was on 150 mgs. of Effexor time released meds for quite a while and my psyc & I undid a capsule and there were tiny pills inside. He told me just to undo the capsule and try to swallow the tiny pills ... which I did and experienced no bad effects. However, a couple of months after surgery I noticed a couple of those tiny pills in the toilet one day and wondered if they were actually being dissolved. So, he put me on the Effexor that is immediate release -- 75 mgs. in the morning and 75 mgs. at night. He also said these are VERY unforgiving if you miss a dose. RATS! So, yes...I guess it can be bad news if you miss a dose. Good luck to you. P.S. Lots of people are getting headlice these days. Parents can get it from their kids when they lay beside them when reading storybooks at night.
   — Betty Todd

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