Lots of excess skin on the inner thighs
and my plastic surgeon wants to make an incision from the top of the inner thigh to the knee. I'm looking to see if anyone knows of any alternative methods of removing excess skin from the inner thighs. Is there a website that I can log on to? My surgery is scheduled for July 31 and I need to do some searching to see if this is the best option I have. If you have any information, I would appreciate you sending it to me. Thanks so much everyone! — Conny M. (posted on May 15, 2001)
May 15, 2001
Hi there. I'm having a hernia repair, tummy tuck and thigh lift on 6 Jun.
My surgeon will make a "hockey stick" shaped incision along the
top of my thigh and then down the inside to just above the knee. Sounds
like the same as yours. I'm not real keen on the incision, but my bypass
surgery scar has faded nicely in 15 I'm not too bummed by
it...besides, I really, really want the skin GONE! Good luck
— Lucky B.
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