What is the bottom line on caffine?

I have slowly started drinking caffinated tea again. I am about 18 mos post op and would like to know the concensus on this subject. I drink it early in the morning and have about 4 cups/day. Please help!    — Dot M. (posted on May 11, 2001)

May 11, 2001
I had a couple of sips of coffee on the way home from the hospital & it cured the bad headache I'd had all week, so I drink a cup & 1/2 everyday. I think in moderation, caffene's ok unless your doctor absolutely forbids it.
   — Shari B.

May 11, 2001
Caffeine is a diuretic and thus causes water depletion so if you drink caffeine drink TWICE as much water as the caffeine beverage is, For each cup of coffee drink 2 extra cups of water. Coffee and pepsi in any form is hard on the pouch so I would wait awhile before having these. Aftewr all you wouldnt give coffee to a baby? Your new pouch is like a baby.
   — bob-haller

May 11, 2001
I drink coffee everyday and have no problem. The doctor never told me otherwise.
   — Jeannet

May 11, 2001
Would you be just as happy with decaf? Caffeine negates iron, if you take 'em together. So, you need to allow an hour there. And overall, it gradually depletes the calcium in your bones and we're losing it daily ANYWAY, with the rapid wt loss. It is your call, of course, but given a choice, where I am NOW, I'd be caffeine free, or dog-goned close.
   — vitalady

May 11, 2001
I had coffee 15 hours after surgery. Actually, I have cut down on coffee since the surgery--from about 20 cups a day to about fifteen or so. It's good to be cautious.
   — KG B.

November 5, 2002
Hi Dot....My dr. for WLS and the therapist I seen for my eval suggested that I quit the caffiene. I slowly weened myself and replaced with caffiene free coffee, tea, and an occassional soda.
   — Sweets

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