Is it true you can not get life insurance after the surgery?

I seen this question on the Message board and I thought it was a good question. I looked it up in search under Life Insurance and there wasn't really any answers which said Yes it is true. Or I bought life insurance after wls and it was easy. Or it wasn't easy. So here is the QUESTION: WHO ACTULLY HAS BOUGHT LIFE INSURANCE AFTER WLS. Was it more? Who did you buy it from? Let us know. Thank you so much.    — IsLosing B. (posted on May 2, 2001)

May 1, 2001
As an insurance agent, I can tell you that there is absolutely no problem with you purchasing a life policy after surgery! If anything, your chances of being able to qualify for coverage is better AFTER surgery than before. Since most of the health problems you have when you are obese disappear after surgery, and your height and weight become more in line with the "acceptable" limits, you should have no problems. Life insurance is such a valuable thing to have, don't let false rumors prevent you from protecting your family! Email me if you have any other questions! Hugs! :) Nicole
   — DolcezzaVT

June 11, 2001
I am just wondering if anyone else has information on this. I, too am wondering if I can get life insurance now. My husband has a form for supplemental life from work; it asks if I have had surgery in past 5 years. If I fill it out now, and they turn me down becuase of surgery, will this be on my file now forever? If they do turn me down, does anyone know of any companies that insure healthy post-wls patients?
   — Anna A.

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