I am having my surgery tomorrow, I am so so nervous...Will I get a sedative?

or something to calm me down when I get there tomorrow morning? I am really going to need something to relax me... See you guys on the other side!!    — Ang B. (posted on March 29, 2001)

March 29, 2001
Hi Angie! I know how you surgery is less then 2 weeks away and I'm getting so darn nervous..I know I'm going to be a basketcase the night before..YIKES! I've heard from others that you do get something to relax you before they take you down. I don't know that it stands true with all doctors..but it would be nice, huh? I know I'm going to need something. Anyways, I'm not sure I was of any help..but at least you know this will be on the other side soon! *S* Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery! *HUGS*
   — Sherry B.

March 29, 2001
Hi Angie- I am 2 weeks post op and I was nervous also. When the anastisiologist was getting me ready prior to surgery, they gave something through my IV that they said was a "cocktail". It really helped me to relax and I dont even really remember them taking me to the operating room or getting onto the operating room table. Good luck tomarrow and I will keep you in my prayer's1 I am 2 weeks post op and I am down 17 pounds already and doing wonderful! God Bless you!
   — Valerie D.

March 29, 2001
Hi there, I am a nurse and I was terrified too, knowledge can be a dangerous thing! I just told the anesthesiologist that I was nervous and claustrophobic, so he gave me something extra and let the mask stay above my face, he really put me at ease. There will be one talking to you before wls,] let him know your feelings and he will work with you. Good luck.
   — LISA K.

March 29, 2001
I was offered "something to help me sleep" the night before. Yes, I took it. Then, I was given something when I first arrived at the hospital. I was almost out of it before the anesthesiologist ever got to me! I am excited for you. Good luck!
   — marciejayne

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