I'm not an alcoholic, but can someone who drinks weekly have complications?

I have a few drinks every weekend (more or less) and the other post about thinning the blood and stuff scared me. Can this happen to someone who doesn't drink tons, but does drink? How much would be considered too much, and dangerous? I would really like to know. I told my doctor I drink socially and he didn't seem like that was a problem, but the post really scared me! Please give me your insight! Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 28, 2001)

March 28, 2001
I went out to celebrate Valentines day last month (10 mo. post op) I had a glass of wine , 1 glass of wine - I drank it slowly , and you know I was bombed!! Totally slap happy stupid , it was the funniest thing! My husband got a good laugh out of it. I'm a cheap date now , but it costs more to dress me!! Sorry I can't give you more insite than that.
   — Rose A.

March 28, 2001
I am 6 weeks post op and have to admit to going out a few weeks ago and nursing a beer while out socializing. I was scared it would make me sick or really drunk due to some of the posts I have read here. I had no problem though, so this weekend I went out with friends and had a couple and just got a regular buzz like I used to before surgery. I did drink them slower and drank water in between, but I am glad I can still go out and have some fun with friends at the local bar. Please don't flame me. I am not suggesting everyone should go out drinking, but for me it hasn't hurt. I guess it is like with food, some people can tolerate things that others can't. I would just suggest taking it slowly and make sure you have friends around to drive if you can't.
   — [Anonymous]

March 29, 2001
I drink every week and have not experienced any problems. I now stick mainly with wine or lite beer, and away from hard stuff. I also have all my fullscale blood work done every 3 months, and it has been better and better everytiime so far. I am 11 months post op.
   — [Anonymous]

March 29, 2001
It makes me nervous seeing the posts and the comments "no problems yet." I think it might be something that occurs over a longer period of time. I found a medical site that said patients should be willing to give up alcohol for six months at least, and one year was recommended, because alcohol could be poisonous. Our systems are different now, and it said that it just depends on the person, some of us may be prone to cirrohis (spelled wrong), liver damage, due to the surgery. I am not sure where the site is that I read it on, but send me your email address and when I find it I will forward it to you. I love beer, but decided better to be safe than sorry! I know my explanation doesn't sound very "medical" but when I find the site it will have a better explanation. Send your address to [email protected] Trust me, I love my beer and really checked and checked into this, and I don't feel good about drinking it at all!
   — Tina C.

March 29, 2001
I think my question may be confusing. I don't have a problem giving it up after surgery. What I want to know is will I possibly have complications DURING surgery because I drink a few times a week. I read the answers to someone's question about being an alcoholic and not telling their doctor, and alot of responses said that alcohol thins the blood and with the heparin, it may cause complications. Does this mean that someone who drinks a few times a week might also have these complications? If so, at what point before surgery should I stop drinking, 1 week, 2 weeks, etc? Thanks again!
   — [Anonymous]

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