I am one week post op - I AM HUNGRY ?? WHY ??? I am already feeling like a FAILURE !

One week post op - started out great - drinking my shakes -tons of water - walking around - Now after only one week - I feel like I have NOT lost any weight - I am hungry ! What is going to happen come Thursday when I move onto soft foods - I am soooo upset with myself ! HELP !!!! I am in tears ! : (    — Rachel B. (posted on March 23, 2001)

March 23, 2001
First of all, please calm down. My goodness, in a week, you shouldn't expect a miracle. You are not alone. Many people don't lose any weight in the first week, and in fact, some people gain! I gained something like 10 pounds in the first week and a half. I thought I was a failure until others pointed out that some people do first. I really couldn't tell you why it happens to some, while some people will lose 10-15 pounds in the first week. Each of us is different and you can't predict how or when you will lose, but trust me, you WILL lose. Maybe not as much or as quickly as you would like, but you WILL lose!! I felt like such a failure until about the past two-three weeks. I am now 3.5 months post-op and suddenly realize I've lost a total of 48 pounds and many inches. Also, I noticed you said you don't FEEL like you've lost any weight. Does that mean you are freaked out and don't even know for certain that you haven't lost? I'm not knocking you, please don't take it that way, it's just that you really need to calm down or you will make yourself crazy over this. I'm sure you didn't go through the surgery ONLY for the sake of seeing the scale move. Almost all of us do this for the health benefits, mainly. And those you will not really feel yet, not in the first week! Finally, as far as the hunger, I can tell you, I was hungry at first too. I actually had a piece of fried chicken & some mashed potatoes a week and a half after my surgery. I was still supposed to be on pureed foods, but it was like I needed to know I could still eat regular foods or something. I found myself craving stuff, only I indulged myself. And as soon as I did, I realized I no longer had the cravings. Of course, I couldn't eat anywhere near what I could pre-op, so that helped too. After about two weeks, things settled down, I couldn't eat much beyond the pureed foods and I pretty much stuck to the surgeons directions after that. It still took another two-three weeks before I started to see and feel the difference. Anyway, sorry about the long response, but please try to relax. Give your body a chance to heal first, then you can start worrying about losing the weight. That was my surgeons advice, and it worked for me. I really hope this helps. Good luck.
   — Maria H.

March 23, 2001
Rachel, Please don't beat yourself up. At this stage you're at, it's normal to wonder if you've made a mistake or if you're going to be one of the very few that this surgery doesn't work for but give yourself a pat on the back right now for having the courage to do something about your weight in the first place. The liquid stage is the fourth or fifth day, I was hungry too. Watching tv and seeing so many food commercials didn't help with my cravings, either. Just try to remember that the liquids pass through so quickly that they don't really give you the sensation of being "full". Keep drinking your water and protein shakes and try to stay busy to keep your mind off of the food during this stage. I really think that once you get to soft foods you'll notice a big change. Take care of yourself and feel free to email me if you have any questions. YOU CAN DO IT!!
   — Candace S.

March 23, 2001
Wow, I'm jealous :) Actually, I had head hunger so bad the first couple of weeks, I thought I'd die. I imagined all this stuff I'd eat, refried beans, tuna w/crackers, mashed potatoes, yogurt. Once I could have them...YUCK! My taste buds have changed, if I dwell on a certain food and then get it, once I have it I take a couple of bites and wonder why did I want it. TRUST ME, it's head hunger! I was craving things I'd never have eaten before surgery. Just white knuckle it, you'll be ok. Also, I drank liquids so well, and so much (including the soups) that I thought the surgery was a "trick" and I didn't really have it. I found out liquids just go through very quickly, so you can have a lot. I keep feeling like I haven't lost any weight either, because the scale sits at the same number for two/three weeks at a time, but then it drops all at once. I lost 21 pounds during the two weeks prior to surgery, and about 54 pounds since (1/24). It seems really slow to me, but at least it's the last time I'll ever have to do it! Hang it there, what you are experiencing is normal...
   — Tina C.

March 23, 2001
Rachel, you are hungry because liquids pass right through your new tummy. When you start pureed, you will feel full for a while- when you get to solids, you will truly GET full. Don't worry, you are normal! I also never felt like I lost any weight- still don't! It always amazes me when I weigh that I have dropped. Hang in there- it is hard, but you will get through this!
   — M B.

March 23, 2001
Rachel, it's normal. At first I was afraid to say anything to my surgeon, that they would find that something went wrong and I would have to go thru it all over again. When I finally did, she said EAT!!!! Everyone is different. She compared my new tummy to an infant, some need to be fed every 2 hours or so. I had some complications, and if I got real hungry I would get sick to my stomach, so we needed to avoid that. Once she compared it to a baby it all made sense to me. Good luck!
   — Jenny N.

March 24, 2001
You are not a failure. First of all, you won't feel 'full' until you are on regular food. People seldom tell you this. Some people say they never get hungry, but others do -- so don't go by that. Have you taken your measurements? Do it now, if you haven't already. You are losing weight, you cannot help but lose weight, especially early on. You may be hormonal now as we women suffer hormonal imbalance following this surgery. I am postmenopausal (post hysterectomy) and I learned that our hormones are stored in our fat. As our fat burns off quickly, we suffer hormone imbalances, which may us somewhat wacky! I had to get my hormone patch adjusted a few times during the first 6 to 9 months because of this. Don't worry -- be happy! Relax, and heal and listen to your body. At your stage, you may be 'drinking' your foods all day long, that is normal and necessary. Your body thinks you are starving it. Everything will be ok, you'll see.
   — Cindy H.

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