Anyone else have trouble sleeping because of pain?

Hi. I am 10 months post op. I started at 379, and am now 238 lbs (down 141 lbs.). Anyway...the past month or so, I have noticed that my back, and shoulders and elbows just KILL me in the middle of the night. I can't get comfortable because my bones start throbbing and moving into a new position is painful. I have not done anything to do this, so I wondered if a vitamin deficiency could cause this? I have not been good at taking my vitamins, or calcium, and I also don't get much protien in. I know, shame on me..the surgery took off alot of weight, but my self descipline has not improved, as far as taking care of myself goes. Truth be known, I have not been back to the doctor since I had my stomach tube removed, 3 weeks post op. Don't ask me why...its 2 hours away, I'm self destructive,I really don't know. Guess I figured if something was really wrong, I'd know it. I'm not really a stupid person, just have a habit of not taking care of me. If anyone has had this problem, or knows what may be causing it, I'd appreciate your input. By the year anniversary is April 12..I do plan on going to the doctor then to see if its time for skin removal yet. I was kinda wondering if the excess skin on my arms was causing the pain in the shoulders..Also, my muscles in the center of my chest aches alot, and I was wondering if the excess skin of my breast could cause that???    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 18, 2001)

February 18, 2001
How about talking to your PCP (regular doc) and getting a complete panel done? No vites, no calcium, sub-par protein. Pain is your body's way of telling you it needs attention. Unfortunately you're not planning to do anything about until April. You say you're self-destructive and just don't care. Maybe you should see a shrink first. Get your head together first, and the rest will follow.
   — [Anonymous]

February 18, 2001
I am not here to slam u. I was just wondering why did you have the surgery if you weren't going to keep with the routine? Your body is telling you something. In order to succeed you must follow the direction of your doctor. I hope you don't have kids who depend on you to stay healthy. Come on now get back to the routine and do what you are surpose to do. You can do it.
   — [Anonymous]

February 18, 2001
I too am a concerned over yourself destructive behavior. Perhaps you should seek out your PCP for a referral for some psychiatric testing. I am not trying to come down on you, but your body is letting you know that it is not getting something and you are ignoring it. Please get some medical help and psychiatric help. You don't want to be a statistic.
   — [Anonymous]

February 19, 2001
Please don't wait until April to see your doctor. You noted that you figured if something was really wrong, you'd know it. I'd say this was it. What you're describing does not sound as though it could be caused by extra skin and tissue. It sounds like nutritional deficiencies causing problems in your muscles and joints. Please make the commitment today - nutritional deficiences can be fairly easily remedied. Start the protein and vitamins and make an appointment with the doctor today. Kate
   — kateseidel

February 21, 2001
hello-gosh i think some folks need to lighten up ( no pun intended). you know i found your entry by searching out aches and pains entries here. i'm up at 330 am with achy joints and muscles. ive had them consistently post op (5 months -110 pounds). i ate two small pieces of fish today and take my vits pretty regularly. my doc doesn't suggest protein supplements as manditory, so i just don't mess with it and try to eat protein a few times a week, good sources cheese, meat, fish, etc. maybe it its a protein deficiency since everyone else on this website are protein fanatics and we seem to be the only two complaining of this prob. i don't think it's vits. i do those pretty faithfully. i sure do sympathize-even my thumb joints hurt right now. feel free to email me if you have any insights or reactions [email protected]
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 15, 2004
hello i too have all the same aches as you and i do take my vitamins so try to ignore the remarks from unnamed should take better care of your health do everything your supposed to do to up keep your surgery however we are human we all make mistakes and can realize what we are doing wrong and move on see a dr and goodluck sincerly laurie
   — lauriegrizzard

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