Aetna POS and medically supervised diets?

I have Aetna POS and they have requested documentation of a medically supervised diet. I went to a weight loss clinic that had a medical director (which happened to be my OB/GYN at the time). He did not prescribe Phen-Fen because of my hypertension & family history of heart problems, but I was on a nutritional program w/o meds. I faxed my weight loss log from the center/Dr documenting the dates, weight, blood pressure & weight lost/gained. Anybody run into this situation with Aetna? Sound like it would be enough? Thank you!    — Tracy C. (posted on February 7, 2001)

February 8, 2001
I have Aetna and they requested the same thing from me. You will be fine. After I had submitted my info to my surgens office, I was approved within three days. However, they were three very LONG days!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!

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