Is there anything you can do for the sag under your neck after weight loss?

Does anyone have anything special to do that will get rid of sagginess around the neck after losing? There should be some exercise or something, you'd think. What about those lifting creams like from avon?    — Bryytteyes (posted on January 29, 2001)

January 30, 2001
Cindy, I have been told of a couple exercises. Do they work? Who knows! I have been doing them, but not as much as I should. I have some sag (150# lost), but maybe it would have been worse if I hadn't done anything. The first one, I call "bite the sky." You turn your head to one side, raise it , like looking at the sky, and make biting motions with your mouth. Do both sides. You can feel it working the muscles in your neck & upper chest. The other I have no name for & it's harder to explain. You just kind of clench your teeth, but with your mouth slightly open as hard as you can. It's kind of like you pull the coeners of your mouth as far as you can to each side & say a hard EEE. If you hold your hand over your throat, you can feel the muscles tightening & as you lose weight you can see the tendons & muscles show more & more. I try to do both of these as many times as I think about it. Maybe about 30 repetitions in each set. Good luck.
   — Kathy W.

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