Has anyone had a HIDA scan?

Has anyone had a HIDA scan? I'm scheduled to have an ultrasound and HIDA scan on my gallbladder prior to my open RNY. The ultrasound I'm familiar with, but the scan is something new. What's it like??    — Kristy J. (posted on December 9, 2000)

December 9, 2000
I had a Hida Scan several years ago (at that time it was a relatively new testing technique), when I was having a problem with my gallballder. It was a simple test in which they started an IV with a dye that cramp the gallbladder to determine if it was working properly. I never had any cramping and the technician stated that it was basically a dead gallbadder and would be taken out. I had no stones and the next morning I had gallbladder surgery. Best of luck.
   — ann A.

December 9, 2000
Hi, I'm not sure what a HIDA scan is, but when I had my pre op testing, I had an ultrasound done. They did my kidneys gall bladder and a few other organs. For my kindeys I had to lay on my left side. The tech said that laying on my left side would give them a different view of my right kidney. Good luck to you and I'm sure that the HIDA scan won't be anything that is painful. Angie
   — Angela E.

December 9, 2000
HI....A HIDA scan is a nuclear scan that allows the radiologist to see a 3D view of an organ. I just had one following complications with a medication. It was not on the gallbladder but on my liver. It was painless for me as they put the ractive material in my iv. If you dont have an iv, they will simply inject the material into your vein as if you are giving blood, so there would be a pin prick. The hardest part of the test was staying still for so long. Mine lasted 1.5 hrs. That was laying on the table flat.
   — Linda R.

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