I plan on having epidural post-op pain control while in hospital...

It's my understanding that patients who are using epidural for post-op pain control in the hospital almost must have a Foley catheter in place. Is it possible to wear a sanitary pad for your period if you have a Foley catheter in place?    — Leah B. (posted on November 22, 2000)

November 22, 2000
My sister and I both looked into this as a possibility and both of our surgeons said the same thing. They do not recommend them because they want us up walking ASAP and that was not possible with the needle in. The only time they would do this is if the patient had a history of anesthsia (sp) issues. He also said that it would result in possibly staying in ICU longer. I could not understand why but I assume it because we need to be breathing on our own really well to be out of ICU. Keeping asking about it...I would like to know what you discover. Good Luck, Trina
   — Courtrina Amur W.

November 22, 2000
My doctor said the same thing...he is concerned that I might not be able to walk with an epidural. I have read that people do walk with one, but maybe there are different types? I don't know. What is a Macraine ball? I have read a little about it and most people like it! Thanks
   — Marilyn C.

November 22, 2000
Hi. I had to answer this question, because my experience was the opposite of what many surgeons are telling their patients. I had an epidural. I also had a Foley. The epi. was placed just prior to my surgery, and was kept in until my 4th day post-op. The foley was inserted after I was already asleep. My surgery lasted from 12:00 Noon to about 3:30 (Long-limb RNY with gallbladder removal) and I was in ther recovery room by 5:00. I walked in the recovery room at about 9:00 PM, was taken to my room at 10:30 PM and walked again. Foley, epi and all. The next morning my Foley was removed an I walked every other hour from 6AM to Midnight, whenever I had to go to the bathroom, and whenever I was bored. NO PROBLEMS. Talk with the anesthesiologist and/or your surgeon. Every surgen is different. I know that the epi kept me pain free (except for a drain that was too deep) the entire time it was in. I hope this helps. Luv,.....
   — heidiinPA

November 23, 2000
This is really good to know. I knew there was an advantage to having them. Thanks for correcting me.I have had my surgery but my sister has not and I want her to not experience the pain I did if she does not have to. I will have her discuss this as an option with her surgeon. Does it affect recovery?? I will ask this as a question again later. I now wish I had done it too.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

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