How long are you off work after Lap RNY?

   — Judy G. (posted on October 20, 2000)

October 20, 2000
Judy, my daughter and I had lap RNYs this year. I went back to work in a full-time office position in 8 days. She teaches pre-school and was back at work full-time in 14 days. We had restrictions re: lifting more than 20 lbs. for the first 6 weeks, but otherwise everything was as before with no changes in our day to day routine. Remember that the "lap" is still a major surgery involving general anesthesia and all that is a major "shock" to the body. Everyone responds a little differently after any surgery...listen to your body, get plenty of rest and sleep, don't push yourself, don't drive while still taking your pain'll know when it's the right time for you to go back to work. :-) Good luck!
   — Diana T.

October 20, 2000
Hi Judy.. I am scheduled for the lap rny Nov 7th with Dr. Scott in Wentsville, MO. My understanding is approx 2 weeks for a "desk job" I am a nurse and I need to ask him myself next week when I see him. Good luck and feel free to write anytime. Penny
   — Penny W.

October 21, 2000
Hi Judy, Dr Scott did ny lap rny on aug 31, and I was back to work on Sept 10. I'm an RN, and was on light duty, doing staffing and supervision where I didn't have to lift anything greater than 30 lbs. It was great. Good luck, e mail me is you have questions. Donna
   — Donna G.

October 21, 2000
I had my Lap RNY on August 21st and went back, full time on September 5th. I teach. I was fine at work though I was exhausted when I got home.
   — Jeannet

October 21, 2000
Although I had heard that you can go back to work in 2-3 weeks I have been off for 5 weeks. My doc had me off for 8 wk, but I may go back a week early. I am a receptionist, but I get up and down a lot. I think my doc's reasoning, is making sure your body is ajusting to the supplements, and that you are not having any problems before your released. I was still having some pain under my rib cage until about a week ago, so I am glad that I did not go back yet.
   — Gina K.

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