Problems keeping up diet habits

Hi everyone. I guess that I need a little reasurance. I'm 4 months post-op and have lost almost 85 pounds. These last few days I haven't been making the best food choices and I feel it. (I feel bloated) I want so much to succeed at this surgery and not gain any of my weight I lost back. I exercise and feel good after I do it, but at the moment, I'm sick so I'm taking a couple weeks off from it. Has anyone gone through this or is going through this? I'm still tired also. Maybe because before the surgery I was living on Coke and Mountain Dew. Now...I'm just tired. Am I going crazy? Any advice? Please help!!!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 15, 2000)

October 15, 2000
By writing in , you are taking the first step.You know yourself you are making the wrong choices and quitting your exercises is another bad choice. I know EXACTLY how you feel because I did the same thing. I stopped my exercises , ate junk , and was in a deep depression. I don't know what will work best for you. For me , just getting out in the nice sunny weather this weekend ended mine. I got back in line drinking water , walking and doing my exercises. I think we all backslide at one time or another. Just shake yourself off and start over tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up about it.Have you had you blood tested? Is it tired from anemia , or slight depression? We are all her for one another, if you want to talk , feel free. My e-mail address is [email protected] . I hope this helps . Keep up the goos work! 85 pound in 4 months is fantastic!( It is eerie , I could have written this post myself last week)it is exactly how I was.
   — Heather T.

October 15, 2000
How sick are you? If you feel the need to take a couple of weeks off from exercising, I am assuming you are very ill indeed, and are in need of a doctor's care. I had a nasty cold a few weeks ago and didn't exercise for a week, but I had to get back into doc had told me I would NEVER be SIGNIFICANTLY under 200 lbs. if I didn't exercise. Also, keep the unhealthy food choices out of the house, if you can. Perhaps it is a little depression that is letting you choose comfort food? Please don't give up...if you work through this, you will be stronger and feel better for it. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

October 15, 2000
Same questions--how are you labs? Where is your protein? Iron? B12? How much protein supplement are you taking & how? How much iron (of what kind) are you taking? Being tired of maintaining a new regimen might be part of the problem, but you have done phenomenally well. Don't be slackin' NOW! You're doing so very well, far better than I did, so you must be doing lots of stuff right.
   — vitalady

October 16, 2000
Hey - You are doing great! EVERYONE at one time or another feels a little down and out. You need to start eating a little better probably. Food that is not good for us seems to steal our energy. I would definately listen to what Michelle Curran said in her answer to you. Also, A good physical is probably in order as well. Use the depression thing as an excuse, get your labs done, and let your family physician see how well you are doing. He/she might be able to help in the motivation part. I agree with others here. Getting out in the sunshine is very important for my general well being. (maybe 'cause I live in Calif) Wash some windows, rake some leaves, pull some weeds. Anything outside will make you feel better. Exercise does not have to be so regimented. You can burn off calories doing a lot of things out doors. Even sitting in a lounge and reading a book outside may help. You will get through this, and we are here to help until you do. Patti
   — Patti S.

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