What if you have bad reactions to sugar substitutes?

I have always had very bad reactions to artificial sweeteners. I usually try to stay away from them, and usually have some sugar daily, but I am not a sugarholic by any means!! What can I do to occasionally have a taste other than plain water with some sweetness in it? Is it possible to dilute an unsweetened fruit juice to the point that it won't have too much sugar, but still give a touch of sweetness and flavor? If not I will just have to drink unsweetened koolaid....    — Meryl F. (posted on October 4, 2000)

October 4, 2000
Meryl, I can drink plain old orange juice, no problems. Also, there's a new sugar substitute called Splenda that people are raving about. And, I've used single packets of Fructose with no problems - I actually even use real sugar in my coffee - just one teaspon instead of the usual two. I had open RNY 6 months ago.
   — Cindy H.

October 4, 2000
I too have had bad reactions to Aspertame in particular. I was thrilled when I discovered Splenda. It tastes like sugar because it is made from sugar. No nasty aftertaste and no BAD headaches or dizziness.
   — livnliter

October 4, 2000
Splenda , YESSSSS!!!
   — Rose A.

October 4, 2000
Hi Meryl. I have a friend that had open RNY last May. She, too, is "allergic" to artificial sweeteners. She's allowed herself to sweeten her coffee with limited amounts of refined sugar and drinks plain iced tea with lemon only. My dietician suggested that she try "fructose" sugar from a health food store if she wasn't able to tolerate refined sugar products and absolutely needed to have "something". I've tried the new Splenda and I really like it. I've never liked nutrasweet in my hot tea but the Splenda is wonderful. I guess you're really not going to know for sure what you can or can't tolerate until you try them tho'. Good luck and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

October 5, 2000
I can not stand the sweetners that are on the market. Everytime you put them in something hot you get that fake after taste. I am a post op rny (9 days short of 1 year mark) and have found a great product its called SPLENDA you can now find it at most grosery stores (I asked the manager at shop and save in Pittsburgh to order it) or even at Walmart. Its made from sugar and taste like sugar No after taste I like my ice tea super sweets and this makes it taste just right
   — debbie P.

January 13, 2001
Evidently it depends on the surgery you have on what you can eat and drink. I am 18 months post op. I am allergic to any kind of artificial sweetner. I have not tried Splenda yet, I am kind of scared to try it with the bad reactions I have had on artificial sweetners. I had the 'BPDw/ds and am able to eat almost anything without any problems, even sugar. The only side effect I have had is gas. I am still losing some weight although it is coming off very slow now. I have lost 129 Lbs. and wear a size 12-14 and am very happy at this size. I have a friend who had weight loss surgery 8 years ago and has kept her weight off and eats anything she wants also. My doctor says if she has made it this far she should be fine for the rest of her life.
   — Cheryl C.

August 16, 2001
I am sensitive to nutrisweet (aspartame). It gives me headaches and muscle spasms and I don't even go into surgery until next week. From what I have read, this is a somewhat common reaction regardless of WLS. I do OK with sacharin (sweet & low) and sugar alcohols like sorbitol and malatol (although my wife 4 mo post op has to limit these). She is also sensitive to splenda. I have had good luck with stevia as well, but takes a little getting used to. I guess it all depends on the person and can affect people differently even regardless of WLS. We will see how I do after an RNY.
   — Dell H.

June 8, 2002
I am a prebie, I use splenda all the time because I'm diabetic. You can get Splenda on line at, or I get the bulk box of packets from Costco if anyones interested.
   — Eileen D.

September 24, 2004
Several of the pre-mixed protein drinks are made with a sweetener called Acesulfame Potassium or Asesulfame K. I've had a horrible reaction to these drinks and I've had to take meds for hives for four weeks. This sweetener is made from a sulfur compound and people with sulfur drug allergies may be sensitive to it. My reaction to the additive isn't as bad if it is mixed with other sweeteners like nutrasweet or splenda. (Lower concentrations, I guess)
   — Frances S.

May 22, 2005
I am a little over 3mths postop and have come to the conclusion that any type of artificial sweetener I could find (other than splenda in small amounts) gives me horrible pains in my stomach and sometimes causes nausea. Even Splenda will do this to me as well if it is more than a packet or two. So I have had to just be very careful as to the amounts of what I eat with natural sugar. As for drinking, I still use unsweetened apple juice mixed 1/2 & 1/2 with water and I do the same with a lot of other juices/drinks. I have found that I have no problem with my sweet tea either as long as I have them mix it 1/2sweet, 1/2 unsweet or I cut it with water....most restaurants are happy to oblige. (Also may want to try Kool-Aid with 1/4-1/2 the recommended amt of sugar or even 1/4 sugar & 1/4 splenda.
   — socoangel

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