Do you regret having it??

Does anyone out there regret having there RNY?? Do you regret having that surgery over another? or just in general regret having wls??    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 18, 2000)

September 18, 2000
I do not regret having the RNY surgery. I chose it because of the side effect of dumping. I knew I needed help with my addiction to sweets. This surgery has been an answer to my prayers.
   — Cindy H.

September 18, 2000
The only regret I really have is in not having it done sooner. I do have a hard time choosing what foods to eat now though and it gets a little tough eating out.
   — snicklefritz

September 18, 2000

   — Victoria B.

September 18, 2000
Hi! Like Cindy said, one of the reasons I chose RNY was because I wanted the reinforcement that dumping gives. Unfortunately, I don't have it, but I do get a tummy ache if I eat too much of something sweet. I don't have the problems with food choices that Jack has experienced. Fortunately/unfortunately, I can eat pretty much everything. And, I agree completely with everything Vicki said. RNY is not for everyone, however, it was absolutely the right choice for me. I've lost 120 pounds......YOWZA!!! I still have a difficult time believing it! This procedure has been a Godsend for me!
   — Jaye C.

September 18, 2000
I had my original surgery in 1994 and lost 150#, from 262 to 112 and stayed there without effort. My staple line disrupted and I was able to choose whatever I wanted. I did reinvestigate, but how could I beat success? Steady wt, good health, great labs? I had an extremely distal RNY and did nothing to change it last January when I was revised. Just a simple pouch repair. So, not only WOULD I do it again, I DID do it again. And what was different? They made the pouch a bit smaller this time, but not as small as I wanted, since I had only regained 12#. And if up to me, I'd have had myself made even MORE distal. But my doc just smiled and shook his head. He's thinking the same thing: why tamper with success. So, I dropped 15 of those 12# and floated right back to where I'd been at 112. I do take lots of supplements, but I don't mind as I am healthier than I ever was before using "food". Because I suppelement, I am no longer food focused. I am getting all my basics and eating is now less a dominating force in my life. However, I DO eat food, of course!
   — vitalady

September 18, 2000
My only regret was having to have a hernia repair along with my WLS. Its been my sore point. However if it meant not having WLS then I would have 100 of them. I have only lost 28 pounds but my life has already improved a great deal. I wish I had done it sooner. Trina
   — Courtrina Amur W.

September 18, 2000
My only regret is waiting. I feel great, now in the land of the living instead of just dreaming of "If I was not so overweight, I could do that" ect. I used to dream of what it would be like to be "normal" weight for 20 years. I still cannot believe I am now "normal " weight. I can go get a size 8-10. I can fit in a rollercoaster seat with room to spare, and on and on. I can not express in words the joy I have with myself now, I wish I could package it and give out samples to all the pre ops, and people thinking about RNY, or other surgery. If you are ready and doing it for yourself, I say go for it, start living, and I am sure you will have no regrets!! Good luck! Down from 224 to 120, surgery May 3, 1999.
   — Darlene E.

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