It's been 45 days since my surgeon requested approval from Cigna, now they've asked

for a series of tests/consults, including excercise and nutrition consult. Does anyone have advice for me? I'm getting panicky....    — Susan N. (posted on September 5, 2000)

September 6, 2000
Hey Susan: I had my surgery through Cigna HMO. I did have to have 2 tests before I saw the surgeon. They were the nutrition consult and the EKG. I was not asked about exercise, but arthritis is my biggest comorbidity so that may be the reason. Did you have any tests done BEFORE your surgeon submitted for approval? Maybe they are just catching up. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

September 19, 2000
Susan - they may have meant a stress EKG when they said exercise test. During a stress electrocardiogram you walk on a treadmill and get the EKG at the same time to see how your heart tolerates exercise.
   — smatney

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