Why aren't there any long-term post op patients around?

Is it because they have gained their weight back? I have seen a lot of people who are going back (possibly to a newer procedure?) for surgery, but really only TWO positive long term post op patients. Why is that? I realize that there are a lot who have "gone on with their lives" but I can't imagine that there are just two here! Please be nice in your response, I am just being thorough in my research for WLS for myself. :)    — Pati M. (posted on August 18, 2000)

August 18, 2000
There are plenty of post ops long term.....five years and even longer. But they really don't come here anymore. They can be found at Join the EGroup for GRADUATE OSSG and you will find them there. They have nothing but good news about the future for post ops (in general)...and many others have gone on with their lives and are just too busy to be involved here.
   — [Anonymous]

August 18, 2000
There are many long term post ops, but these people have a life now. They are busy doing all the things that we hope to do someday. There are 2 ladies on an egroups list that I belong to, (wls400plus) who are both 5 years + post-op. They both started out at around or over 500 lbs and are now under 200. Once I lose the rest of this weight, I am sure I will spend less time at the computer and more time living my life!
   — [Anonymous]

August 18, 2000
I have read profiles of many long-term post-ops here. However, because they've "been there done that", they enjoy their own community for their own issues. It's OSSG Graduate, as noted below, and anyone is welcome to lurk and read (but not post). Posters are over one year out.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 18, 2000
Hi Pati, I'm Terri. I have done tons of research myself, and I was like you wondering where all the other-siders were..they are all over the internet. I mean it...some are at eGroups, others at Topica, I am still waiting, but..I promise if I get on the other side before you do...I will keep posting here, okay? promise to do the same, alright? I am so excited about this... My sister-in-law had the RNY done 3 years ago...she is doing great! She had the same surgeon I am going to, but she never gets on the no posting from her...oh well, looks like you are stuck with me. I am planning on having the BPD/DS. I updated my profile today, go check it out...God Bless~
   — Terri G.

August 18, 2000
Hey! Not all of us are too busy to be here! I was lucky enough to have some ahead of me to reach back and help me along, so I figure I need to help someone behind me, too. I will be 6 yrs in Oct from distal RNY, my husband will be 5. In our local support groups, folks tend to drop away after about 2 years, too. Once they have gotten through their hernia repairs and plastics, they lose interest. They feel they don't need support, and don't think they have anything of value to offer anyone else. It's not that they have become less caring, but they forget that there are issues that go on & on for us forever. I am always happy to see the long-termers drop in to share their lives with pre-ops and fresh post-ops that are thinking they were NUTS to do this. It was SO encouraging to me to see the longer term post-ops right in the beginning. It is possible that you have surmised correctly in some cases. Some procedures simply are not as effective and the post-op care was non-existent or just plain wrong. So, yes, folks do regain their wt. And we've been programmed to think it is our fault--we out ate our surgery. So, they go into hiding. And that truly IS sad, because so very often it is simply mechanical failure.
   — vitalady

August 19, 2000
I really had to giggle about this one... This was one of my own questions to my husband whom has already had the RNY 19 months ago. I started looking into this for myself, and this was my BIGGEST question. I know exactly what you mean, If it works long term,And i mean over 3 yrs! where the heck is everyone? He and every other "long termer" i have "accidently run into" all say the same thing. They get on with their lives. All but one person of 13 people I have talked to so far either have kept off or stayed very close to their ideal weight for 3-10 years.
   — Tricee

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